
主题:【有点原创】抄来的英语示爱短信 -- 牛铃

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家园 【有点原创】抄来的英语示爱短信


每期的第14页,有一个Shout outs栏,有点读者来信的意思,长度大约就是手机短信的样子。


My dear most A, You make me smile for no reason whatsoever, You make me laugh at the unfunniest things, But most of all, you make me love you ... When I shouldn't be loving you. If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to tell you I love you. My world is a little nicer and my life is worth living, because I share it with you. If at all you have to go away from me, promise me you will not go too far. Words might fail to express what I feel. If God grants me a wish tonight, it will be, I live with you for one whole day and die in peace the next day. I love you that much, be there for me forever ... S



Clueless as to what's in store in years to come, just like any of you. Perhaps our priorities will change, perhaps they will become more united than now. Our appearances will have aged, our thoughts matured, our desires quadrupled, suffering through separation either willingly or unwillingly. Or perhaps not. Perhaps you and I will conquer longings of a lifetime, or perhaps, one of us will be on the darker side of the soil. Appreciate, love, give -- now. Now before it is too late. There is no better time to do something, than today right now, while there is still time. One day, we can look back and not regret this graceful day of having done something right.God bless. ~S.


You also made me smile this morning, and into the day. You were handsomely dressed in a suit, and I was the blond drinking the chocolate milk in the morning at Union station subway. Hopefully you will take up drinking chocolate milk in the morning too, it makes mornings better ... and then I will be able to spot you again in the 7:30 am. rush.

鸳~~~鸯~~~~茶,鸳~~~鸯~~~茶,我爱你,你爱我~~~~~~。呵呵,明天我也买盒巧克力奶带到Union station站喝

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关键词(Tags): #老牛灌水通宝推:落九天,
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