
主题:【讨论】中X部的逆袭。。。。。。 -- 墨田夏

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家园 《网瘾战争》上华尔街日报了

《网瘾战争》上华尔街日报了 这下更容易被说成是被中情局和一小撮人蒙蔽和利用的不明真相的群众了。。。。。。。。。。。

[ http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704337004575059114213741090.html ]

In the video's climactic scene, Kan Ni Mei, the blue, armored, ox-like hero, faces off with a villain sent by Harmony who threatens to destroy the gamers with the "power of Green Dam"—a reference to the Web-filtering software that the government last year tried to compel personal-computer makers to install on all PCs sold in China. Kan Ni Mei addresses his cohorts: "Please raise your hands up. I need your strength," he says. "When they blocked YouTube, you didn't act. When they blocked Twitter, you didn't act."

The other characters explain that they are afraid to speak out. But "silence absolutely doesn't mean obedience," they say, before sending Kan Ni Mei virtual bursts of energy that he uses to slay the Green Dam-wielding villain.

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