
主题:【原创】看来欧盟要解除对华军售禁令了,猜猜中国可能买哪些 -- 唐鸢

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家园 hehe 加入欧盟可以互相帮助,不知道他这几天心情如何

He must be very excited...

Anyway, Greeks got what they deserved. Greeks are people with the habit of "there are always tomorrows to do today's work". They were too face-conscious and were eager to lock itself into Euroland to ascertain its "europe" identity. They only wanted the lower government bond yield--a free gift from hard-savers such as Germans, but refused to pay the cost.

There is no free lunch. It is time to pay the price. 加入欧盟可以互相帮助--keep in mind, Greece is the origin of western civilization and western democracy. YOU, A CHINESE GUY FROM THE dictatorial communist China, is NEVER OF THEIR pack(deeply in their heart). Greeks never trust anything that's EATERN. So now let's their Western European brothers to rescue them.

Look at UK--Britons are clearly smarter and more rational. The benefit of single currency is way lower than the cost of single currency, both for Greece and Britons. When Germany/France designed single-currency in mind, they only wanted to have 6 countries tied together. PIIGs are never welcome in the Germanic cycle.


--you are wrong.I am a big fan of French food, wine, cheese, arts, history, painting, buildings, language.

But I am ethnically Chinese and I know where China's interests are. France is like a woman and never understand where is its appropriate status on the global stage. IT IS NEVER A RELIABLE PARTNER, NO A TRUSTWORTHY FRIEND OR A CONSISTENT DEAL MAKER. EU is a tool for France to exert influence way above its national strength. Ever since 1960s when EEC came into existence, America had been alerted at its every movement. You can look at JFK's comments on EEC.

You need to have this British common sense in geopolitics: a divided continent is always better than a unified continent. Friends are not eternal, adversary is not perpetual. It is your national interests that is eternal and perpetual.

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