
主题:【原创】维和烈士遗体告别仪式追悼会规格并非超常之高 -- 巅峰背影

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家园 纽约时报评论员对追悼八名烈士的感慨


Exit America

President Obama wants out of those wars. Indeed, to judge by the nine paltry minutes devoted to international affairs in a State of the Union address of more than one hour, he’s weary of America policing the globe.

When Israel-Palestine merits not a word from a president, you know the United States is turning inward.

China, in its “peaceful rise,” has had no such distractions. Commentators on Chinese TV made much of how the Haiti sacrifice of the eight “heroes” was part of being “good global citizens.”

I believe the rise of China is unstoppable. As Obama noted, Beijing is not “playing for second place.”

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