
主题:【讨论】美国,你做错了什么? -- 东方射日

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家园 俄罗斯进一步的衰落和解体,符合中国的国家利益--keep

this america's enemy alive, though constantly on "life support" is in China's best interests.

First, America will not upgrade China into Russia's shoes due to the existence this polar bear.

Second, Russia is weak enough thus unable to harm China, but still functions as a nation to sell its remaining tech and resources to us.

You do not want Russia to be second Haiti. Then a flood of blondes+tata will hit China. Russians first coined the word 黄祸, now we should fear 白祸. Tit for tat.

Russia always perceived China as the potential largest threat. Look at the border between China and Russia. Polar bears are stupid enough and could never establish that kind of co-prosperity as America-Canada share along their thousand-mile border.

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