
主题:IMF的伪善和万里风中虎对凯恩斯主义的批判 -- 思想的行者

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Sergei Ignatyev, a vice chairman of the Russian central bank, has also considered the Yeltsin-Roosevelt comparison and its implications for Russian policy. One form of deficit spending in Russia is done through the central bank, which can create new credit.

"The American Depression was brought about by the Federal Reserve, which allowed the money supply to shrink," Mr. Ignatyev said, alluding to the tight-money policies of Herbert Hoover and, at first, Roosevelt. "We are not making that mistake. We are increasing the money supply by 10 percent every month -- very fast." No Lack of Demand



Mr. Fyodorov made clear that the bank's governor, Viktor Gerashchenko, was vulnerable to pressure from powerful state industrial lobbies that were pressing for loans to save jobs and production. "There is a huge lobby of people saying jobs and production first and forget the money supply," Mr. Fyodorov said.

1993-4-11[URL=]http://www.nytimes.com/1993/04/11/world/russians-to-limit-monetary-growth.html?scp=5&sq=russia monetary supply&st=cse&pagewanted=2[/URL]

Technically, as Mr. Fyodorov described it today, the three deputy governors of the central bank who sit on a Credit Policy Commission with the Government signed a detailed agreement to limit the growth of credits in the second quarter of 1993 to 30 percent of total credits existing at the end of March, which totaled 5.3 trillion rubles. Goal of Single-Digit Inflation



But the possibilities included restricting the sharp growth in the supply of money. ''The money supply is more than what the economy can consume,'' Mr. Putin said. ''If these processes continue, every citizen will feel the consequences.''

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