
主题:民主自由大业要一统全球互联网了 -- mandman

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家园 民主自由大业要一统全球互联网了

上周五,美国国务卿希拉里-克林顿与谷歌首席执行官埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)、Twitter创始人杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)、微软研究总监克瑞格·蒙迪(Craig Mundie)以及思科执行副总裁波斯特拉姆(Sue Bostrom)等IT行业巨头共同进餐,讨论了如何用Google,Facebook, Twitter和YouTube这些工具通过互联网来推进全球的民主自由大业。


1. Finding ways to incent global citizens to build applications that can advance these goals

2. Finding creative ways to ensure that Internet access is always freely available

3. Building better public-private partnerships and making it easier for start-ups that have great ideas to be able to present them more effectively to the U.S. government

4. Ensuring we can better communicate leveraging language translation tools

5. Discovering ways to train people -- especially those who are new to the online world -- how to use all these tools effectively

6. Leveraging the mobile channel for anonymous crime reporting for greater transparency



Facebook, Twitter and YouTube Are Tools For Diplomacy

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