
主题:【文摘】中国10次拒绝英国交涉 明日将处死英国毒贩 -- 真理

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家园 第三次鸦片战争?



George Pitcher is Religion Editor of Telegraph Media. He is an Anglican priest and serves his ministry at St Bride's, Fleet Street, in London – the "journalists' church

China must spare Akmal Shaikh or face serious consequences

By George Pitcher UK Last updated: December 28th, 2009

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In a little under eight hours of writing this, at 2.30 in the morning of our fifth day of Christmas,the People’s Republic of China will execute the British subject, Akmal Shaikh, unless a last plea for clemency succeeds.

Mr Shaikh is so obviously mentally ill, so clearly had no grasp of what he was doing when he was caught acting as a drug-mule by the Chinese authorities and was so clearly incapable of conducting any meaningful self-representation at his trial that the lethal injection or bullet in the back of the head he will receive in a few hours will not only be just another hideous Chinese execution, but also a disgusting and reprehensible miscarriage of justice.

Mr Shaikh’s death doubtless will be of little consequence to the Chinese authorities, who put some 1,700 people to death during the past year alone. The scale of this judicial murdering machine is difficult to grasp and even puts the United States to shame.

But Mr Shaikh is a British citizen and the first EU national to be executed in China for half a century. That means our Government should have some influence to bring to bear for once on China’s barbaric judicial practice.

We are long past gunboat diplomacy. But if China goes ahead with the execution of Mr Shaikh, the EU must condemn the Chinese government in the strongest possible terms and impose trade sanctions that are significant and hurtful, until China brings its legislature into line with European criminal sentencing.

China is the world’s third largest economy and aspires to take a respectable place on the international stage and in global trade. Beijing must know, tonight and unequivocally, that putting to death a mentally ill man in possession of a British passport is no way to go about its civilising aspirations. It must spare Mr

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