
主题:【业界动态】.NET击败了J2EE -- Highway

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家园 【业界动态】.NET击败了J2EE

具体地说,是Windows 2003 + MS.NET 1.1击败了J2EE的领头羊 IBM WebSphere + Linux.

在最近由Middleware 公司进行的一次全面研究测试中,Windows 2003 + MS.NET 1.1以较大优势全面击败了Linux + WebSphere组合。这个研究测试非常的具体,是以一个具体的工程项目为对象,非别用两种不同的技术来实现,最后全面对比开发效率,发布维护复杂度,运行性能和稳定性等等。整个测试的全部文档包括源程序都对外公开,如果你觉得有问题,可以提出质疑。(以前微软曾经将Sun的J2EE的Demo Project-- Pet Shop用.NET重写了一遍,宣称性能提高了150倍。当然那是一个比较小的项目,有多少代表性很难说,业界对那个结果也不是很重视。但这次这个报告份量要重得多!)



[SIZE=3]Comparing Microsoft .NET and IBM WebSphere/J2EE:[/SIZE]

A Productivity, Performance, Reliability and Manageability Analysis

This endeavor is a massive study that compares IBM WebSphere / J2EE against Microsoft .NET on a number of dimensions: developer productivity, manageability, reliability and application performance. 

To conduct the study, The Middleware Company assembled two independent teams, one for J2EE using IBM WebSphere, the other for Microsoft .NET. Each team received the same specification for a loosely-coupled system to be developed, deployed, tuned and tested in a controlled laboratory setting. The WebSphere team developed two different implementations of the specification, one using IBM's model-driven tool Rational Rapid Developer (RRD), the other with IBM's code-centric tool WebSphere Studio Application Developer (WSAD). The .NET team developed its single implementation using Visual Studio.NET as the primary development tool. 

[B]The report details:[/B]

● The approach, methodology and terms of the study 
● The physical architecture of the system developed by the two teams 
● The tools each team used to develop and tune their implementations 
● The developer productivity results and the experiences of the two teams in developing their implementations 
● The configuration/tuning productivity results and the experiences of the two teams in configuring and tuning their implementations for testing 
● The performance, manageability and reliability tests performed and their results 

David Herst, Middleware Maven
William Edwards, VP, Research and Practice Management
Steve Wilkes, Middleware Maven

September 2004

.NET, Microsoft, WebSphere, IBM, J2EE, Java, Productivity, Tuning, Performance, Maintainability, Reliability, Visual Studio, RRD, WSAD



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