
主题:尼康真的成泥坑了么? -- karman

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家园 尼康真的成泥坑了么?

我都几乎打定主意买D3000, 我想顾非的D90问题只是个别显现, 没想到网上一查, D5000 也有同样的自动关机问题. 而且这问题还挺普遍. 最糟糕的是尼康态度恶劣,下面这个客户的经历简直是掉泥坑里了.

Nikon's 12 Days of Christmas, December 2, 2009

By Nikon Lover "PhotoBuff" (Boston, MA USA) -

On the first day of Christmas, my husband gave to me, my shinny new Nikon camera.

On the second day of Christmas, Nikon gave to me, a camera that stopped working.

On the third day of Christmas I went to UPS and mailed my camera

On the fourth day of Christmas Nikon announced to me...no service for your...camera is "grey market" (because I bought it from an online retailer)

On the fifth day of Christmas I begged Nikon to repair it

On the sixth day of Christmas my Nikon LENS broke

On the seventh day of Christmas back to UPS

On the eight day of Christmas Nikon did a GRINCH SWITCHEROO

"You don't own a Nikon, You own a Sigma, we're sending this piece of junk back to you.."

On the ninth day of Christmas I received someone else's Sigma lens

On the 10th day of Christmas I called Nikon and sent a million emails (for 6 months)

On the 11th day of Christmas I contacted senior management....still no camera

On the 12th day of Christmas I bade farewell to my $$$ Nikon...forever lost at Nikon's service center and unretruned to me

Yes, my camera was stolen by Nikon. What a sad Christmas this will be!!

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