
主题:奥巴马宣布美国进入甲型H1N1流感全国紧急状态 -- 光流

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Does this mean the 2009-10 flu season has begun?

An increase in influenza activity has already been detected in early September in some parts of the country. It’s uncertain at this time whether this signals an early start to the flu season. Typically, CDC determines that the influenza season has begun once influenza-like illness activity has been above baseline for three consecutive weeks.

Why does it seem like the numbers of weekly hospitalizations and deaths are going up?

The reported numbers for the first week of data using the new case definitions are higher than the average weekly numbers that were being posted for 2009 H1N1 counts because what is being counted is different and how it is being counted is different.

1. CDC is counting all laboratory-confirmed influenza (seasonal and 2009 H1N1) reported by states. CDC expects co-circulation of seasonal influenza viruses with 2009 H1N1 and this change in reporting will capture a fuller picture of the burden of influenza during the pandemic.

2. Some states are now reporting influenza and pneumonia syndrome, which is the standard diagnostic code used by hospitals. This is a broader category than laboratory-confirmed influenza and may elevate the numbers somewhat.

Is reporting hospitalizations and deaths associated with flu new?

Routine seasonal surveillance does not count individual flu cases, hospitalizations or deaths (except for pediatric influenza deaths) but instead monitors activity levels and trends and virus characteristics through a nationwide surveillance system. The reporting of hospitalizations and deaths by state health departments was a new surveillance system that was initiated at the beginning of the 2009 H1N1 outbreak.

This season, CDC and states will continue surveillance for flu-related hospitalizations and deaths, but the system has been modified to combine all influenza and pneumonia-associated hospitalizations and deaths and not just those due to 2009 H1N1. This is a new system in place effective August 30, 2009, that will be used to monitor trends in hospitalizations and deaths. CDC believes this system will provide a fuller picture of the burden of serious flu illness and deaths during this pandemic. This number will be cross-checked periodically against modeling studies to assess its validity.

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