
主题:【文摘】IMF总裁确认中国投票权将大幅增加 -- parishg

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家园 【文摘】IMF总裁确认中国投票权将大幅增加

扬子晚报 2009-09-26

Key comment: America knows that EU is not strong enough for a complete showdown and a destruction of the whole system. So it created the credit crisis, spread virus to Europe and now asks Europe to pay the price. Very smart diplomatic move. It also dismantles any possibility of Euro-Asia cooperation vs. Island regions (UK, America, Australia).

One danger here: the actual title should be "UK, France oppose". Divion starts to appear between these two Anglo brothers.

Overall, China is the winner, but partially hijacked by fellow Asians, such as Korea and India. I do not understand why South Korea qualifies for enlarged representation in IMF, given its poor financial record in the last 10 years. America gave in to China a bit, but not without dirty back-of-the-door balancing act.

Keep in mind: investment in IMF is the most "profitable" investment done by the US gov. It gives it key power to create and bend rules in its favor and strike any competing nation in times of crucial moment. Much better than China's senseless investment in Blackstone.

France opposed to reducing IMF board seats

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Saturday September 19, 2009 04:09:17 AM GMT

Reuters News


PARIS, Sept 18 (Reuters) - France is opposed to the U.S. proposal of reducing the number of International Monetary Fund (IMF) board seats from 24, a French official said on Friday.

The United States would like to cut the number of seats on the board to 20 as part of a broader reform aimed at giving more voice to developing countries. The subject will be on the agenda at a Sept 24-25 meeting of G20 leaders in Pittsburgh.

The board of directors votes on IMF lending decisions. Europe has eight seats on the board and is under pressure from other countries, including developing nations, to cut down.

"We know that our place in the world is not what it was...We are ready for a reform of the IMF," the French official said.

"But we are reticent to the idea of reducing the number of chairs at the board of the IMF."

The official said that the current structure, which includes two African seats and one each for Iran and Egypt, did not reflect the set up of the G20.

"If we go from 24 to 20, what do we do? Get rid of them," he said.

But the official said it was inevitable that over the longer term, there would be fewer European chairs at the IMF because of changes in the world economy. (Reporting by Anna Willard)

25日,为期两天的二十国集团第三次金融峰会在匹兹堡落下帷幕。G20峰会期间,国际货币基金组织(IMF)总裁卡恩,在接受央视财经频道记者、本报特约记者芮成钢独家专访时认为,当前尤其要防止贸易保护主义抬头。同时表示,他支持提高中国在IMF的发言权。据了解,目前美国在IMF的份额比例为 17.4%,中国仅占3.72%。










芮成钢: 您认为中国的投票权应当占IMF总投票权的百分之多少,才能够恰当的反映中国在世界财经和经济领域的地位和实力?肯定不会是现在荷兰和比利时总和的这个百分比吧?





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