
主题:【原创】送给孝子:骨质疏松 -- 虽远必诛

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Late motherhood could hold the secret to longevity

"The baby boomers of today are doing the right thing by having children much later - because the evidence is that the later you produce children, the longer your life span will be," said Dr Dawn Skelton of Manchester University, a leading authority on ageing.

She tells a television documentary to be shown next month: "After 30, there is a dramatic reduction of the oestrogen hormone in women. By leaving it longer before having our first child, we're giving ourselves a big burst of oestrogen, which helps in many ways - muscle, bone, nervous function."


Dramatic rise in fortysomething mother

Later motherhood holds benefits as well as drawbacks. Older women find it more tiring but it also seems to bring longevity.

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