
主题:请教一个网页制作方面的小问题 -- 温雅颂

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家园 关键在Rel这个属性上,内容红字部分

MSDN上的资料,IE用的是这个。另这个貌似不在HTML标准里面,HTML 4.01的标准在这外链出处

Alternate Substitute version of the file that contains the link.

Appendix Page that is an appendix for the set of pages.

Bookmark Bookmark.

Chapter Page that is a chapter for a set of pages.

Contents Table of contents document.

Copyright Copyright notice for the current page.

Glossary Glossary for the current page.

Help Help document.

Index Index document for the current page.

Next Next document in a sequence.

Offline href that contains a path to the CDF file to be used for an offline favorite.

Prev Previous document in a sequence.

Search Windows Internet Explorer 7 and later. The link refers to an OpenSearch Description file. (See Search Provider Extensibility in Internet Explorer 7 for more information.) The Search type is not defined by the HTML 4.01 specification. For strict validation, include http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/ in the PROFILE attribute of the head element.

Section Page that is a section for a set of pages.

Shortcut Icon href that contains a path to an icon file to be used for the favorite or link.

Start First document of a set.

Stylesheet Style sheet.

Subsection Page that is a subsection for a set of pages.

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