
主题:【原创】水牛城Colgan3407航班坠机事故 -- Slay0r

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家园 ATC通话文字部分

ATC=Bufflo Approach, 3407=Colgan 3407, DL98=Delta 1998, CT52=Cactus 1452,Tower=机场塔台,3407上负责通话的是副驾驶Shaw


ATC: Colgan 3407 turn left heading 310

3407(shaw): left heading 310, colgan 3407

ATC: Delta1998, descent and maintain 2300

DL98: Descent and maintain 2300, Delta 1998.

ATC: Cactus 1452, decent and maintain 4000.

1542: Cactus 1452

ATC: Colgan 3407 3 miles from KLUMP, Turn left heading 260, maintain 2300 till established on localizer, cleared ILS runway 23

3407: left 260, 2,300 till established and cleared ILS 23 approach, Colgan 3407(用极快的语速ReadBack,以节省频道占用时间

ATC: Delta 1998 turn left heading 140

DL98: left 140, Delta 1998

ATC: colgan 3407 contact tower on 120.5,have a good night(通知3407转频

3407: __3407 (Colgan 3407 最后的通话,确认转频

ATC: Colgan 3407 approach...(塔台未联络到3407,失去雷达接触,Approach开始呼叫

ATC:Delta 1998, vectors are going to take you through Localizer...for sequencing

DL98:Delta1998 thanks.

ATC: colgan 3407, buffalo

ATC: colgan 3407, approach

ATC: delta 1998, look off your right side about 5 miles for a dash 8, should be 2300 , Do you see anything there?

请求Delta 目视协助搜索3407)

DL98: ah..Negative...Delta 1998, we are just in the bottoms, and nothing on the TCAS (1998因在云层底部,无法目视寻找,但表示机 载防撞系统上无显示)

ATC: colgan 3407, buffalo

??: ---27 approach with radar contact.

ATC: Delta 1998, Turn Left,left heading 360

DCL98:left 360,Delta 1998, you want us climb at all?

ATC: Get right back to you, Sir..

DCL98: you want Delta 1998 to just maintain 2300 then?

ATC: delta 1998, that's affrimitive...Delta 1998 you are in VFR conditions there?

DL98: Negativ, we are IMC


Tower: Colgan 3407,Bufflo Tower, how do you hear?

??: f10...you are on frequency?

??: __405..contact the channel approch on 13...we'll have you back to approch shortly

ATC:__is ground communication, you need to talk to somebody at least 5 miles north northeast, kay? Possibly clearance, that area right in there, Akron area, either state police or sheriff's department, you need to find if anything's on the ground. this aircraft was 5 miles out and all of a sudden we have no response from that aircraft.(ATC开始试图在地面上寻找3407

ATC:... all we can tell you is that an aircraft over the mark and we are not talking to him now.

???: ..ok

ATC: Delta 1998, you have any icing where you're at?(3407曾经提到过下降时有结冰现象

DL98: uh, we picked up on the way down - I dont think we're building anymore here, but about uh 6500 down to 3500 maybe...

ATC: ok thank you sir

ATC: Delta 1998, there's gonna be a delay,I'm gonna bring you back to around, expect a hold over KLUMP

DL98: Alright, we'll expect a hold over KLUMP,Delta 1998

ATC: Delta 1998, climb and maintain 4000,turn left heading 270.

DL98: Climb and maintain 4000, left turn heading at 270, Delta 1998.

???: I'll have to back right to yu,sir. Apparently we have an emergency and i will back to you as soon as I can

ATC: Delta 1998, turn left heading at 260 and intercept the Localizer,uh and you can maintain you present altitule,sir...just maintain 3000 till you established, right now I'll have your approach clearance once you get it closer,Sir

DL98: Alright, maintain 3000, join the localizer for runway 23.

ATC: Cactus 1452,we'll bring you back around here shortly,for..uh..airport.

CT52: Ok..uh..we are picking up on ice here for...uh...for a while

ATC: Ok for all aircraft on this frequency...uh...we did have a Dash8 over the marker that didn't make to the airport, he appears to be about 5 miles away from airport.For Delt 1998,I'll bring you in sir,on the approach if can just gimme a PIREP when you get to 2300, and if you have any problem with the localizer or anything let me know,however,we are showing it all in the green here.(ATC在经常频率里通知其他飞机一架Dash8不明原因没能降落机场,同时提醒1998降落时注意ILS信号是否正常

DL98: will do

ATC: Catatus 1452 turn right heading 160 ,descent and maintain 2300

CT52: __descent to 2.3 for Cataus 1452

ATC: Delta 1998,6 miles from KLUMP maintain 2300 till establish on the localizer, Cleared ILS approach runway 23

DL98:__ILS 23 and we are still in the IMC here, 2300, Delt 1998

ATC: Thank you sir,are you getting any kind of icing or anything there.

DL98: uhh it doesn't appear to be building, we have a 1/2..1/4 inch from the descent that has remained with us the whole time

ATC: thank you

ATC: Cactus 1452 turn left heading 220, and intercept the localizer.

CT52: Intercept the LOC for..uh..Cataus 1452, and we've been picking up rime ice for the last 010 minutes.

???: as soon as you can, Sir..

???: who was that?

CT52: 52 sir..we've been getting icing for uh since 20 miles south of airport

ATC: Cactus 1452,ok,if you could let me know when you get out of icing...uh..an aircraft coming up from the south was reporting that earlier..

ATC: Delta 1998, If you could,just disregare the autoland sir,contact tower on 120.5,just let him know if you have any variation in the locallizer or anything(ATC建议1998不使用自动降落

DL98:120.5,will do,Delta 1998, thanks

ATC: Cactus 1452, Seven miles form KLUMP, maintain 2300 till established on the localizer, cleared ILS approach runway 23.

CT52: kay..2300 till established, cleared for ILS 23, cactus 1452 and uh...the ice..ice is starting to come off the windscreen now.

ATC:__any knd of information we can get we'd appreciate...

ATC: So right now at 2300, it seems pretty clear for you?

CT52: __but ice is starting to dissipate...

ATC thank you!

ATC: Cactus 1452, Thank you for helping,we'd appreciate. contact tower on 120.5

CT52: Tower for cactus...Did you find Colgan?

ATC: uh...unfortunately they said he went down about...right over the marker KLUMP

CT52: Tower, Cactus 1452's come up on the Klump,e just..uh saw it down..you guys know what's going on?(1452飞过KLUMP时目击到坠机点,询问塔台是否了解情况

Tower: Cactus 1452,buffalo tower 162.14 going right 23, you are clear to land, yes sir, we are aware...

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