
主题:【文摘】达赖要加入印度籍了 -- 六千

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Dharamshala: TibetPost-5-April-2009-“You need a passport you can’t be a refugee for life.” Conference chairman Dr. Bhupendra Kumar Modi said publicly to Tibetan spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama at the 2nd Conference on The Indian view for global peace that convened at the main Tibetan temple in Dharamshala to discuss the theme of “Reciprocity Base for Universal Interconnectedness.”

Tibetan spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama spoke about the importance of religious tolerance and the valuable role that India can serve on the global stage for promoting the intrinsically India lifestyle of peaceful religious pluralism. “If you are serious about involvement in this matter than I am happy to take citizenship.”

Leaders of various other religious traditions spoke about the interconnectedness of the global society the necessity of His Holiness to campaign for a global peace. His Holiness Swami Chidanand Saraswati addressed the conference and said, “When America needed a change they got Obama, now the world needs a change and we have a holy Lama” he continued “His Holiness the Dalai Lama is not sitting in the seat he is sitting in the hearts of all people.”

Dr. Bhupendra Kumar Modi, when offering His Holiness the Dalai Lama citizenship in India praised Indian government, and commended the Indian people for their active participation in the world’s largest democracy. 17th May of this year India will have a new parliament, and Dr. Modi noted that it will be the responsibility and the honor of this new parliament not only to grant His Holiness the Dalai Lama citizenship in India, but also to extend the offer to all Tibetans who have ventured across the Himalayas and made their home’s in India. His Holiness said that he was very happy to accept Indian citizenship; he said “I am very happy to be a citizen of this country”

In a state of semi-retirement His Holiness holds the following priorities. First his main responsibility as a citizen of the world is to promote non-violence. Secondly, as a religious person he must promote religious tolerance and understanding, third as a Tibetan he must do as much as he can to serve Tibet and the Tibetan people.

To fulfill his role in each of these various capacities, Dr. Modi offered His Holiness an airplane to expedite travel. At the close of the conference His Holiness also expressed a wish to convene the religious leaders every 6 months; He proposed that next meeting take place at one of the religious sight in Delhi and therefore outwardly promote the idea of religious tolerance.

Please visit more photos of the 2nd conference on The Indian view for global peace.

By: S. Hart, conrrespondent for The Tibet Post International


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