
主题:【英语学习】能不能盖个高楼? -- 牛铃

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家园 【俗语/成语对照】



条条大路通罗马 = all roads lead to Rome

狼来了= cry wolf

狗咬狗 = dog eat dog

武装到牙齿 = armed to the teeth

血浓于水 = blood is thicker than water

烫手山芋 = hot potato

火上浇油 = add fuel to the fire

棍棒底下出孝子 = spare the rod and spoil the child


外强中干 = all bark and no bite

两全其美 = best of both worlds

小题大做 = crying over spilled milk

恶有恶报 = what goes around comes around

说曹操,曹操到 = speaking of the devil(古欧洲人相信说魔鬼的名字会真的把他招来)

杀鸡取蛋 = kill the goose that laid the golden egg

进退两难 = between a rock and a hard place

有其父必有其子 = apple doesn't fall far from the tree(这不是落叶归根的意思

挑拨离间 = drive a wedge

入乡随俗 = when in Rome, do as the Romans do

华而不实 = dog and pony show

黔驴技穷 = one trick pony

事后诸葛亮 = Monday morning quarterback

抓现行 = caught red handed

掌上明珠 = apple of his(her) eye

一丝不苟 = cross the t's and dot the i's

同舟共济 = in the same boat

损人利己 = beggar thy neighbor

九牛一毛 = a drop in the bucket

五十步笑百步 = pot calling the kettle black

青菜萝卜各有所爱 = each to his own

防患于未燃 = nip it in the bud

下山摘桃子 = steal the thunder

快刀斩乱麻 = cut the Gordian knot(马其顿王亚历山大的典故)


不知所云 = it's all Greek to me(源自莎士比亚的话剧Julius Caesar)

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