
主题:近几届美国总统中,唯有奥巴马对中国春节无动于衷? -- 野牛排

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家园 这里是奥巴马的牛年祝辞,说得还是很得体的。

Today marks the beginning of the Year of the Ox, the second symbol in the

Chinese Zodiac.

President Barack Obama released a statement to commemorate the new year:

"I send my warmest wishes to people across Asia, in America, and indeed

around the world who are celebrating the Lunar New Year and welcoming the

Year of the Ox. As they gather with their families and celebrate over meals,

they welcome new beginnings and honor the enduring wisdom of their


"From the lion dances in San Francisco to festivals in Atlanta and parades

in New York City and Washington, D.C., Americans of Asian descent carry on

the vibrant traditions of their forefathers and enrich America's cultural

diversity. I wish all those celebrating the New Year to be blessed with

peace, prosperity, and good health."

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