
主题:【原创】美国总统的中国新年祝词中的纪年 -- 曲里拐弯

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家园 【原创】美国总统的中国新年祝词中的纪年

美国总统的中国新年祝词虽说是过年话儿, 但风格和内容并不千篇一律. 把过去几届美国总统的祝词放在一起, 俺注意到一件事: 美国前总统卡特开创了在中国新年祝词中使用中元纪年的传统.

中元纪年, 即黄帝纪年. 一般是把黄帝即位登基的年份作为纪元元年. 孙中山就任中华民国临时大总统后,宣布将黄帝纪元4609年11月13日(1912年1月1日)作为中华民国元年元旦,之后黄帝纪元被停止使用. 今年是公元2009年, 中元4707年.

美国前总统福特在中国新年祝词中没提年份. 卡特在1978年也没提. 但卡特的1980年祝词中用了"4678"年. 里根和克林顿延续了这一传统.

原因何在? 俺的猜测: 是否是出于大陆和台湾纪年不同的考虑? 不知跟卡特和小平的聊天有无关系.

俺收集的资料不全, 就总结到这. 讲点题外的.

卡特在1980年祝词中说, 现在经济不好, 希望沾点儿猴年的灵气儿. 奥巴马是属牛的, 今年是本命年, 不知会不会说, 现在经济不好, 希望牛年带来牛市.


GERALD R. FORD(February 3, 1975)


JIMMY CARTER(February 1, 1978)


JIMMY CARTER(January 31, 1980)


Rosalynn and I send warmest New Year greetings to Americans of Chinese ancestry who celebrate the coming of lunar year 4678.

Tradition has it, I am told, that the Year of the Monkey is often associated with financial adroitness and skill. At a time when we are facing some of our most challenging problems in this area, I hope this bodes well for our efforts to control inflation and achieve economic stability and growth. I hope it also portends prosperity and success for each of you who, individually and as an important ethnic group, contribute so much to our Nation's vitality and strength.

We wish you and your families good health, happiness, and full enjoyment of the fruits of your hard work.

RONALD REAGAN(February 3, 1981)


As we begin the New Year of 4679, we look forward with a vision of hope to a world where peace prevails and prosperity abounds.

BILL CLINTON(February 8, 1996)


Warm greetings to everyone observing the Chinese New Year as you welcome 4694, the Year of the Rat.

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