
主题:【求助】问一个关于游行示威的问题 -- 快刀123

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3. 美國的示威遊行都是需要提前申請的。


5. 美國示威都規定了具體的時間,具體的地點。什麼時候開始,什麼時候結束。

6. 美國舉行遊行示威時,美國警察都全部武裝佩帶武器,長槍短槍都有。

7. 美國警察都會在遊行時候都設置禁戒線,也就是遊行不得踰越的屆線。



A growing trend in the United States has been the implementation of "free speech zones," or fenced-in areas which are often far-removed from the event which is being protested; critics of free-speech zones argue that they go against the First Amendment of the United States Constitution by their very nature, and that they lessen the impact the demonstration might otherwise have had.

In many areas it is required to get permission from the government to hold a demonstration.

Under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 and the Terrorism Act 2006, there are areas designated as 'protected sites' where people are not allowed to go. Previously, these were military bases and nuclear power stations, but the law is changing to include other, generally political areas, such as Downing Street, the Palace of Westminster, and the headquarters of MI5 and MI6. Previously, trespassers to these areas could not be arrested if they have not committed another crime and agreed to be escorted out, but this will change following amendments to the law.

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