
主题:请教一个车车的小问题 -- 梦里依稀

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家园 【教一点歪招】熄灯的法子。

我以前在的州有规定,如果Check Engine灯亮,就不能通过VET (Vehicle Emission Test)。修车铺的人告诉你的可能是同样规定吧。如果你愿意赌一把VET,其实是有办法熄Check Engine灯的。就一招:放电。把电池去了,搁一段时间。这样让车子内置的计算机系统复位,清空一些状态数据。等重新接通后,Check Engine灯会灭,原因是内置的计算机系统不是靠某一刻的数据来判断车子的状态,有些情况下,是数据积累了一些时候,才判断出车子的慢性病。我没有试过,但有哥们干过,说这样在有些情况下的确可以熄Check Engine灯。而且不少卖旧车也这样干。买来时没问题,过两三个月就会灯亮了(呵呵,这就是我为啥问你是不是最近(2~3个月)买的这车。)。

关于Evaporative Emission Control System (就是Charcoal canister),我在网上找到的信息如下:“Approximately 20% of all hydrocarbon (HC) emissions from the automobile originate from evaporative sources. The Evaporative Emission Control (EVAP)system is designed to store and dispose of fuel vapors normally created in the fuel system; thereby, preventing its escape to the atmosphere. The EVAP system delivers these vapors to the intake manifold to be burned with the normal air/fuel mixture. This fuel charge is added during periods of closed loop operation when the additional enrichment can be managed by the closed loop fuel control system. Improper operation of the EVAP system may cause rich driveability problems,as well as failure of the Two Speed Idle test or Enhanced I/M evaporative pressure or purge test.”

看来你车的故障是会影响VET。但还有其他症状么,如lose power等。单这个故障不一定会让你通不过VET。我当初Oxygen sensor已经死了还去试VET,没通过。pep boys告诉我要我花n大洋修理,换不少东西才能够通过VET。多亏没信他们,我最后只换了火花塞,没理Oxygen sensor,后来压着线通过VET.


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