
主题:奇袭Granville--德军的"诺曼底登陆" -- benho

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家园 Jerry这个词是对二战德国士兵的昵称


Jerry (inoffensive)

Jerry was a nickname given to Germans during the Second World War by soldiers and civilians of the Allied nations, in particular by the British. Although the nickname was originally created during World War I [1], it didn't find common use until World War II.[5]

Jerry has analogues from different eras in Tommy (British), Charlie (Vietnam), and Ivan (Russians).

The name is likely an alteration of the word German. Others have claimed that the World War I German helmet, shaped like a chamber pot or jeroboam was the initial impetus for creation, although this is almost certainly revisionist history. One ongoing use of 'jerry' is found in the term jerrycan.


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