
主题:【Marston】?p 每日励志 ?p -- Ready-Go

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家园 【?p每日励志?p 】◊ Free to achieve◊

[color=#6699FF]Free to achieve[/color]点看全图

[color=#6699FF]Acknowledge your fears, acknowledge your worries, acknowledge your most troubling concerns. Then let them go, and free yourself to move positively forward.

For many of your fears, worries and concerns, there are certainly valid reasons. And that's why it is best to get beyond being paralyzed by fear and worry, so you can effectively address those underlying reasons.

Every moment you spend worrying is a moment you spend giving yourself even more reason to worry. When you allow fear to stop you completely, you give that fear even more power.

By quickly acknowledging the fears, the worries, the concerns, and listening to what they have to say, you can then simply let them go. And once you do that, you're free of their draining influence.

Once you do that, you're free to develop workable strategies and to take positive, effective action. By letting go of the fears and worries, you are free to positively change the underlying conditions from which those fears and worries arise.

Feel the fears, acknowledge the worries, understand the concerns, then move on away from them. Set yourself free to achieve.

-- Ralph Marston [/color]


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