主题:怎么回复这个英国人呢?附:他的邮件 -- 淡若水
共:💬23 🌺9 🌵1
the age of the girl.
But I was really amazed at the way of David's manner towards that female official.
- 相关回复 上下关系8
🙂Come on, where did you get 闲来有事 字124 2008-09-12 11:37:02
🙂哈哈,英国佬果然够虚伪 夜月空山 字0 2008-09-10 10:58:31
🙂告诉他总比他们自行车运动员吃兴奋剂强 朱测 字236 2008-09-10 01:37:01
🙂I'm not sure about
🙂加一点 一个地址 字76 2008-09-12 09:37:30
🙂应该是That volunteer girl 夜月空山 字39 2008-09-10 10:56:22
🙂简直就像你的头像一样 roy7255 字24 2008-09-10 00:28:31
🙂这个也非常好。非常好!不过not sure不大好, 锦候 字218 2008-09-10 00:22:11