
主题:【原创】对SNS架构的非典型性批评 -- 邓侃

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家园 那就等你的好贴了

昨天看到一则消息,有个startup自己利用mapreduce原理开发了个支持SQL的datawarehouse,估计这次可以赢得许多DBA们的好感了,不过与你前面所提的SQL overhead问题似乎是有百害而无一利,呵呵。

文中也提到Apache opensource主持的Hadoop与微软的科研院项目Dryad, 其中Hadoop更是被yahoo与NY Times采用多年了:

Aster and Greenplum aren't the only ones taking advantage of MapReduce. Apache has also developed an open source version of MapReduce known as Hadoop.Yahoo (NSDQ: YHOO) uses Hadoop for Web search and advertising, and The New York Times has used Hadoop in combination with Amazon (NSDQ: AMZN) Web services to transform millions of old articles that were each in several disparate scanned TIFF images into PDF format. Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT) Research has developed a similar parallel computing framework known as Dryad.

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