
主题:【原创】中奖-补胎 -- 路人

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家园 可能有风险因素

换个新胎,一旦发生事故责任在生产厂家;由auto shop补胎,出了事他们必须承担一定的责任.北美的auto shop一般是一个机械师应付一辆车,也有带徒弟的,总之人手肯定没国内多.


Tubeless tires are pneumatic tires that do not require a separate butyl rubber inner tube.

Traditional designs of pneumatic tires required a separate inner tube which could fail for a number of reasons, such as: incorrect tire fitment, or friction between the tire wall and inner tube generating excess heat causing a blowout.

Tubeless tire technology does away with the need for an inner tube thereby increasing safety.

In a tubeless tire, the tire, which has an inner lining of impermeable halobutyl, and the rim of the wheel form an airtight seal, with the valve being directly mounted on the rim.

If a tubeless tire gets punctured, air escapes only through the hole, leading to a gentle deflation of the tire. Conversely, an inner tube could potentially burst like a balloon, leading to a rapid deflation of the tire which could result in sudden loss of control of the vehicle. A liquid tire sealant can be added to tubeless tires to prevent deflation.

Also people can use the tubeless tire to put on their wheel barrels to improve both the performance and durability of it.


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