
主题:【原创】剽悍的南太警察 -- dfindy

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家园 Sogavare是梭嘎瓦拉

Julian Moti是珠帘-牟倜 名字翻译的好别扭。叫朱利安 莫提 会不会好点。。。上面几个汉字怎么都读不出来

转自wiki 里头可是痛苦的控诉阿 结合老大的资料 嘿嘿 Julian Moti不但是法务部长 还是天下兵马大元帅呢

在霍华德政府任期中 梭嘎瓦拉就被罢免了(13 December 2007) 是唯一一任总理在任上被罢免 换了个反对党的领袖

我一local friend 告诉我霍华德政府在任期间的几件恶心事 一是拒绝跟土著居民道歉 霍华德当政前后(有些事情是他的前任做的) 曾经实行过法令 强行分离土著居民父母和子女 把子女们分散到各大城市 提供教育 实行同化,这个最早是加拿大用的招数,而且土著子女们很多都不知道自己的身份,霍政府一直不肯道歉, 直到陆克文政府才正式道歉。

二是最近又有议员提案叫土著人搬家 因为他们地下有铀矿。 当初叫他们看北大门就是因为那边最荒凉。。。。不过也没消息了 估计没有通过议会。

其实霍政府作的一切都是想扩大政府影响力 无论分离土著 或是“帮助“周边国家, 积极主动参与南太平洋所有政务, 出兵打伊拉克, 都是想提高世界影响力, 假以时日, 澳洲必能成长为南太举足轻重的一支力量,可惜实在是太老了,而且在他任期利息连续加了5次 次次都是他说不加 一个月以内必定加息

我也不是说陆克文好 最近铁矿石卖给中国的价格又上浮了

No military forces are maintained by the Solomon Islands, although a police force of nearly 500 includes a border protection unit. The police also are responsible for fire service, disaster relief, and maritime surveillance. The police force is headed by a commissioner, appointed by the governor-general and responsible to the prime minister. On 27 December 2006, the Solomon Islands Government said it had taken steps to prevent the country's Australian police chief from returning to the Pacific nation. On 12 January 2007, Australia replaced its top diplomat expelled from the Solomon Islands for political interference in a conciliatory move aimed at easing a four-month dispute between the two countries.

On 11 July 2007, the Solomon Islands swore Julian Moti in as their Attorney General. Moti is currently wanted in Australia for child-related sex offences. Australian Prime Minister John Howard called the move "quite extraordinary". Australia's Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has described the country as the "laughing stock" of the civilised world.[8] However the Australian charges against Moti relate to events in Vanuatu, and parallel charges which the courts in Vanuatu dismissed in the 1990s. Julian Moti has attracted Australian attention because he advised the Solomons Government to inquire into the role of Australian police in provoking the 2006 Honiara riots.

On 13 December 2007, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare was toppled by a vote of no confidence in Parliament,[9] following the defection of five Ministers to the Opposition. It was the first time a Prime Minister lost office in this way in the Solomon Islands. On 20 December, Parliament elected the Opposition's candidate (and former Minister for Education) Derek Sikua as Prime Minister, with 32 votes to 15

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