
主题:问个问题: -- 小强

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家园 这好像是一种很流行的说法。但作为一个“酒鬼”而言,我觉得这种说法不是建立在什么科学基础之上的。








Alcohol in the Body

Alcohol molecules are different than most food and drink molecules because they can pass into the blood without being processed by the digestion system.

For example, after eating a hamburger, the stomach takes time to digest the beef into its constituent amino and fatty acids, which then enter the blood. Alcohol is able to enter the blood directly through the mouth, stomach and small intestine where it remains chemically unchanged in its composition from when it was swallowed.

Alcohol will be absorbed into the blood more quickly if the stomach happens to be empty. This is because the valve that connects the stomach to the small intestine is not closed, and the alcohol can enter the small intestine, which leads to very rapid absorption. If the stomach is busy digesting a lot of food, the valve will be closed and the alcohol cannot proceed to the small intestine as quickly.

Once the alcohol reaches the bloodstream, it takes less than two minutes to reach the brain and affect the central nervous system. Alcohol is also a diuretic, meaning that it causes the body to lose water through urination.

The liver breaks down 90 percent of consumed alcohol into other chemicals that the body stores. Five percent is exhaled in the breath and 5 percent is excreted in the urine. These three methods of removal allow the average person to eliminate 14 grams of ethanol per hour. Twelve ounces of beer, five ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of hard liquor all have about 14 grams of ethanol in them, so the average person eliminates one drink per hour.

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