
主题:【原创】对准CNN的Cafferty:集中火力,一点突破 -- 红军迷

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家园 【原创】对准CNN的Cafferty:集中火力,一点突破

去年我曾把给LOU DOBBS(CNN主持人)的抗议信贴在这里,许多河友都说:对牛弹琴。我也深有同感,只是觉得如果置若罔闻,他们就会更加嚣张,哪怕象蚊子一样咬他们一口,不疼也痒一阵。他们当然狗改不了吃屎,这次JACK CAFFERTY公然骂街了(详情见下文),让我们可以抓住其把柄了,一定要打疼他们,给点教训,长点记性,起码知道这群中国人是不好惹,是不能随便欺负的。今天获得下面这个信息后,我立刻行动起来,签了名。众志成城,大家都去签个名,并以其他方式给CNN这群道貌岸然的蛊惑者一个痛击!

这是我签字时的留言:Negativity begets negativity. Bias begets bias. Hatred begets hatred. Cafferty caters to the worst instincts in human beings, picking on people who are different from oneself. Where are fairness and tolerance? Where are understanding and cooperation? I demand an apology from CNN and Cafferty! TimeWarner, watch out, you’ll be sorry if you do nothing about this hateful act! Commercial interests alone should make you think hard about this issue (boycotting, etc.)! I personally have stopped watching CNN and will tell anyone and everyone to do the same, until I hear a sincere sorry from you.


东部时间四月九日晚6点,CNN主持人Jack Cafferty在Wolf Blitzer主持的“The Situation Room”中发表了侮辱全体中国人的无耻言论。他说“他们(中国人)基本上还是五十年来的那群恶棍和暴徒。”


Jack Cafferty: "Well, I don't know if China is any different, but our relationship with China is certainly different. We're in hawk to the Chinese up to our eyeballs because of the war in Iraq, for one thing. They're holding hundreds of billions of dollars worth of our paper. We also are running hundreds of billions of dollars worth of trade deficits with them, as we continue to import their junk with the lead paint on them and the poisoned pet food and export, you know, jobs to places where you can pay workers a dollar a month to turn out the stuff that we're buying from Wal-Mart. So I think our relationship with China has certainly changed. I think they're basically the same bunch of goons and thugs they've been for the last 50 years.")

是可忍,孰不可忍?!!!如果我们不对这种极端的辱华言论加以痛击的话,以后就会有越来越多的主流媒体加以效仿,华人的尊严何在?!地位何在?!现在已不是排华法案盛行的年代了,更不是“华人与狗不得入内”的岁月。那些对华人的歧视深入骨髓的老朽们应该 被清洗了!是时候了!是我们中国人应该发出怒吼的时候了。这不是最后的吼声,是因为强大而使对手战栗的吼声!LIA(www.legalimmigrant.org)作为新生的代表中国移民利益的政治组织,号召旅美华人行动起来,一起谴责Cafferty,直到让他被解雇为止!虽然我们不一定能达到目标,但是我们至少要放手一搏!




1. 到LIA 网站(www.legalimmigrant.org)上电子签名。LIA会把承载着千万个签名的声讨函发给CNN 和FCC。

2. 到LIA 网站上下载模版: “How to File a Complaint against CNN to FCC”。按照模版中的提示到FCC 网站上(http://fjallfoss.fcc.gov/cgb/fcc475B.cfm)file compliant。注意:请对模版内容稍加改动,避免千篇一律。

3. 到LIA 网站上下载模版“How to fax or write CNN”。按模版提供的CNN Contact info 发传真或写信(email的效果要差一些)。注意对模版的内容稍加改动。

4. 到LIA网站上下载模版“English news tip by LIA”和“Chinese news tip by LIA”。请分别发给你当地的英文和中文媒体。LIA会负责联系几大新闻网的总部。模版内容不用改动。

5.. 联系你当地的华人团体(联络信的模版很快就会准备好)和华人名流。要求他们和我们共同声讨Cafferty。


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