
主题:在Denver Post 上和美国人讨论西藏。 -- 司徒彼

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家园 heihei, YEAH

我以为他会说free tea-bag.



I do not know if the two Jackies are the same guy. If not, sorry, this

questions is for the first Jackie, whose comments makes me a little bit


I tried to post this from 8:00 am but it keep failing. Sorry if some of

the questions are outdated.

To Jackie.

"[most of the Chinese] They claimed the western media are biased neer

questioning what their government's(or then government) media feeders

them." NO. On the contrary, "most" of the Chinese know the tricks that the government plays. We have our own brains and eyes; we are as smart as any country in the world. Actually we are more skeptical, so we do not take anything media feed us without a second look.

"Most of the history books in China are very biased. " Yeah, is it same here? How much do the textbook talk about the western invasion in China in the 18th century. (sorry, I did not take history course here, but I am very happy you can told me) However, we read a lot of more books about KMT in the WWII now. http://www.southcn.com/edu/newbook/shuxun/200508220852.htm


And hundreds more if you search on dangdang.com, some of the books are even

published by government sponsored publisher. Actually I had one book here, it is in Chinese, though. I can lend it to you if you want to have a look.

Is it improvement? YEAH!

Again, Arrogance. "Even you are bravely rushed to US for the freedom and

wealthy". Is it true, for some, no. Get down from the horse. Look at the US economy, is it a mess? Look at your history, just in the last "60 years" how many wars did you claim? As I said, I don't enjoy much more freedom than China. For the wealthy, Maybe, however, the high quality of life is mostly because of "made-in-China". Now since Chinese is trying to improve the condition of the workers, (which means demanding the company to increase the salary) I guess you will see the price to raise a little bit here. Party is over.

If you can read Chinese, we have thousands of blogs to share the raw material of the truth. For example, http://www.tianya.cn. We show some ugly side of the government, we can discuss our government, yell at government. Of course, government still keeps a close eye on it. They sure can close it. However, Tianya has been around for 9 years. Do you know it? And a lot of the problems were solved when everyone knows the truth.

Is it improvement, YEAH!

"why you claim exile Tibet government is not changing, improving their

system?" Sorry, I did not step on India and I do not know a cent about

the exile "government". However, from the awkward show this time, I do

not like them. Can I?

For the western sponsor Tibet exile "government", I do not know a cent,

directly. Let's call it big bad evil Chinese propaganda at this stage. However, I will maybe read this book and may change my mind


What happened in Paris is not humiliating Chinese or Chinese government,

NO. It is humiliating to US, to democracy. I never think attacking a disabled girl in a wheel chair is honorable at all. This I can confirm you. In China, NO MAN DARES TO ATTACK WOMAN, at least, publicly, for any reason, let along a disabled girl. It is unacceptable. In China, this guy will be beaten like a dead meat on the street. I call this kind of punishment civilization. What a shame!! It is a terrorist in front of 5B people. That atrocity really irritated me. Shame on those pro-tibet people!

Sorry, still, I like to discuss rationally and with some sense. Please do not use the term "most of Chinese" blah blah, since we have 1.5B people and you never did a survey to "most" of us.

I guess JDub must already see a lot of improvement in China, or even in Tibet, in the past several trips to China, Of course, if he did not wear a "tinted glasses" and only looked at the ugly side.

Actually I have a question for JDub, you have been to China so many

times and WHY do you pick up such a place to buy map? I do not know the

place. Maybe the bookseller is actually a monk dressed like a

bookseller. ( During an interview in France, one pro-Tibet interviewee

said the riot was actually carried out by Chinese policemen dressed like

monks. They even have a photo. However, the photo was pictured in

2001 in a movie, what a joke!) And how many maps you bought overall in

China and how many of them are of good quality. I will appreciate your

visit to China is to see the culture and people rather than only trying

to show the arrogance of the western. Well, I am sure you are the first

kind. And I am sure "most" of the people in the world are warm-hearted,

civilized, and open-minded people.

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