
主题:【求助】后天跟zd的洋鬼子辩论,附上藏青会的宣传资料求助 -- 不动如山孙元良

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家园 达赖是在中国政府任职的

atene:教你一步步反藏独 - 新添揭露歪嘴西媒内容3/21

1、不总是有人说西藏是中国1949年“才”占领的吗,那就来点史料:1653年清朝皇帝确立了对西藏宗教领袖达赖和班禅的册封制度及其继承人灵童“转世”的金瓶。(In 1653, Qing Emperor offically gave the title Dalai to the head of Gelug Schools of Buddhism in Tibet. Since then any reincarnation aka successor of Dalai has to be approved and confirmed by Chinese central government.)


2、藏独不是说西藏不是被中国领土、达赖被zf逼走的吗,达赖可一直在中国政府里任有公职滴:1953年达赖被推选为中华人民共和国佛教协会荣誉会长,1954年为达赖喇嘛当选为第一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会副委员长(In 1954 current Dalai Lama became Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committe of the National People's Congress aka the parliment of PRC),


SO, if Tibet had been an independent country then, how came a "foreigner" like Dalai could hold such an important position in the parliment of PRC?

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