
主题:今天早上慕尼黑的反藏独示威:无声的呐喊 -- atene

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家园 今天早上慕尼黑的反藏独示威:无声的呐喊

请点击这个“Protest in Silence against Biased German Media“


In protest of German media's intensive biased and distorted reports on the recent Tibet riots, around 120 Chinese people working and studying in southern Germany held a peaceful demonstration in Munich on Saturday, March 29.

The protest is conducted in complete silence to send out a clear message: "German media can muzzle our voice, but can't smother the truth!"

With this protest, the Chinese protesters aim to urge the German media to abide by basic media ethics, to stop biased and distorted reports on the Tibet issue, and to avoid similar misconduct in the future.

They also want to call on the German public to listen to different voices, to boycott biased media, and to find out the truth on their own. It is already proven in the history that a biased media will not only threaten others, but also harm the Germans themselves ultimately.

For further details, please visit the website: www.ourvoice.de

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