
主题:俺和米国粪青的对话 -- 浆糊

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家园 这里还有一个比较明白的老美

A view from the inside

by americaninchina

03/26/2008, 7:15 AM #

+1 Reply

I haven't read any of the previous postings. I'm sure there will be plenty who won't read this through, let alone give it serious thought, and a large number who won't agree, but here goes a view from the inside.

1. Things are never as simple as they seem.

2. Inspite of all the problems, things here are moving in the right direction. Yes, they have a long way to go, but this area has several thousand years of history to overcome. The latest govt. is really just the latest in a long line of emperors. This one has at least managed 50+ years of transitions between leaders without falling into civil war. Not something that has a lot of presidence here. The US has plenty of issues to resolve and we're just trying to overcome 200+ years of entrenchment and inertia.

3. Make sure you know what you're asking for. There are 50+ minority groups, borders with many countries, including Afghanistan, some that are still in dispute. No matter my wishes for the world and the individuals in it, I'm just not sure that is a thread I want to pull and see what unravels. (think Yougoslavia, Iraq, Rwanda, etc.)

4. Just as Americans know the worst of Chinese history, so learn the Chinese of American history. They can't understand why it was ok for the US govt. to move in troops and displace Mexicans and Native Americans to protect the country, but not ok for China. (So it is only ok if you do it first?) Would the US govt. really just sit by if Native Hawaians started burning businesses owned by those of European descent?

5. Americans don't understand the mentality of being colonized. Some countries sit around waiting for someone to come fix the problems. For better or worse, China has decided to proactively not allow that sort of shame to occur again. Leading me to...

5. With increased self confidence eventually there will be decreased sensitivity and the ability to not take things so seriously. Let China have their Olympics, give the average Chinese person something to be proud of besides a large military.

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