
主题:【原创】西藏并不远:入藏观察随笔 -- 耶林

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家园 达赖对下一世达赖出自何处的观点


Question: The Chinese have recently stated that the next Dalai Lama will be born in Tibet and chosen by them. What do you have to say about this?

Answer: If the present situation regarding Tibet remains the same, I will be born outside Tibet away from the control of the Chinese authorities. This is logical. The very purpose of a reincarnation is to continue the unfinished work of the previous incarnation. Thus if the Tibetan situation still remains unsolved it is logical I will be born in exile to continue my unfinished work. Of course the Chinese will still choose their own “Dalai Lama and we Tibetans will choose our own according to tradition. It will be similar to the present situation of the Panchen Lama. There is a Chinese-appointed “Panchen Lama and there is the Panchen Lama chosen by me.?One is paraded to serve its master’s purposes and the other is the Panchen Lama accepted in the hearts of all the Tibetans.

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