
主题:【原创】又看了一遍《沉默的羔羊》 -- johny

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家园 【原创】又看了一遍《沉默的羔羊》

Jodi Foster并不美丽,却自有一股动人心魄的力量。

Dr. Hannible Lector这个人物的塑造极为完美。


1. All good things to those who wait. I've waited, Clarice. But how long can you and old Jackie boy wait? Our little Billy must already be searching for that next special lady.

2. First principles, Clarice. Simplicity. Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing ask: what is it in itself? What is its nature? What does he do, this man you seek?

3. The significance of the moth is change. Caterpillar into chrysalis or pupa. From thence into beauty. Our Billy wants to change too.

4. Quid pro quo, Doctor.(这句是Clarice说的)

这两天看了两遍这部片子,可以说,对Dr. Lector,感觉我自己好像已经进入了fascinated的状态,一看见他,就开始兴奋(他连杀那两个警察都那么得艺术),就像现在的小粉丝见到大明星一样。

如果我有断袖之癖,情愿对象是Dr. Lector,呵呵。(对了,一直感觉李安的《断背山》的名字不伦不类,古语是“断袖”而不是“断背”)

影片的末尾也让人意犹未尽,不知道Clarice和Lector会怎样发展关系,不过,我更想知道的是Dr. Lector会怎样对付他的老朋友-Dr. Chilton,呵呵。


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