主题:住美东的网友有没有哪位去纽约上州或宾州Pocono山区 -- 完颜陈和尚
共:💬24 🌺11
Some pocono resorts offer very cheap
beginner's package, including rental,
lift ticket, and 30-minute introduction
course. It you are not going with
experienced skiiers, the course is worth
- 相关回复 上下关系8
😅住美东的网友有没有哪位去纽约上州或宾州Pocono山区 1 完颜陈和尚 字404 2007-12-23 08:50:42
🙂Look for beginner's package
😥怎么个找法呢?难道打他们的电话问价钱?不习惯这种方法呀。 完颜陈和尚 字0 2007-12-29 23:47:09
🙂Ask for it at the Ticket Window 1 moridin 字210 2007-12-30 11:04:54
🙂嗯,知道了。明知这里是中文论坛,还敢写那么多鸡肠文。花你 完颜陈和尚 字0 2007-12-30 13:06:52
🙂和尚兄啊, 1 要你命3k 字123 2007-12-27 14:24:13
🙂这边的中文学校每周都有去滨州滑雪场的。 1 色空空色 字109 2007-12-24 16:44:28
🙂嗯,谢,花 完颜陈和尚 字0 2007-12-24 18:37:24