
主题:【原创】温家宝讲述的天下大势 -- 同人于野

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家园 cont.

Posted 27/02/07 at 12:06 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

tony leong from Canada writes: oh yes Tony Baloney, of course, the population of the United States was 2, 527, 450 citizens...

try installing a true democracy to a country of over 1 billion people...

as for the motivations of the ruling class in US politics, that is a point that can easily be debated - the belief that any political system is truely altruistic is laughable at best, when administered to be human beings...

Posted 27/02/07 at 12:06 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Stubborn Ox from Calgary, Canada writes: L Tang I appreciate your opinion, however perhaps it's the fact that I've grown up in a democracy that I can't have faith in the Chinese system.. I'm not saying democracy is perfect or that we have perfected it.. But the basic fundamentals of democracy, such as free speech, free press, right to assembly, due process, innocent until proven guilty etc. are all incredibly important to me.. I doubt I'll ever be able to fully understand some of these authoritarian regimes.. while I understand that having food is more important to most than voting, I can't support a government that actively murders it's own people.. Muchless stick my head in the sand about the cultural revolution.. Of course people keep their mouths shut and heads down now.. all the free thinkers, the academics, the philosohpers, anyone who was brave enough to be critical of what this system is and it's abuses has already been murdered.. there's no dissent because the last time there was, the government murdered it's own people with tanks and that was on television! The disregard for human life, much less individual liberties is what disgusts me about the Chinese government. While I understand the economics behind the deals we make with them, it makes me sick that we are in fact condoning murder of people who want nothing more than to pray, to speak out, to read free news or to view the internet without having thousands of people monitoring me ready to cut me off or come imprison/kill me depending on what I type.. These discussions on the G&M that I have daily I could never do.. I use these forums to speak of the flaws in my government, about what needs to be done to change it.. While I disagree with many posters on these boards, at least they are able to post their ideas..

Posted 27/02/07 at 12:10 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Stubborn Ox from Calgary, Canada writes: Mr Fijne

please read some philosophy before you ever speak again man..

Posted 27/02/07 at 12:11 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

k. Beachhill from Canada writes: As for Watson Jones, he needs to read a bit of history, especially that of his own country, before he decides what democracy is. Having lived in many countries around the world, I consider myself fortunate to live in the greatest country on earth- CANADA. We may not live up to US standards, including their neo-imperialistic political and military ambitions, but we don't go around preaching one thing and doing another either. What happened to the US policy of 'not trading with the enemy-or communist countries'? Did China present too great an oportunity for US companies to practice their insatiable greed? No, Mr Jones, please let me have my unelected senate and unelected judges until such time that we feel a change in this system is needed. I sincerely hope we never achive anything close to the kind of 'democracy?' you and your fellow brainwashed breathren aprove of. The world could not withstand it.

Posted 27/02/07 at 12:12 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Rebecca Leung from Richmond Hill, Canada writes: I agree with G.A.

The Canadian democratic system took 80 years to develop to the stage where its Chinese citizens can vote (1867 - 1947).

Why shouldn't the Chinese take their time too?

I'm a grateful Canadian and not pointing fingers but sometimes things take a long time to be done right.

Posted 27/02/07 at 12:22 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

robert marshall from Scarborough, Canada writes: So what should we move back to a feudal system of government then Mr Fijne and have it where the working classes fate is left in the hands of the wealthy? I don't think so ... the problem is that many of the people that go to the polls don't have the full picture from each of the big issues. What our society needs to be doing is ensuring that people are more aware of all sides of an issue before they make their decision ... that way they have the opportunity to get an understanding of all sides of the story. Unfortunately neither the liberals or the NDP (or any political party) would want these type of voters because then the people would be making better decisions and those might not vote from some of the current clowns in parliament that don't seem to get anything done (i.e. all 3 stooges (Layton, Dion and Harper)). We might even have it where politicians actually get things done instead to spending more time taking shots at the other politicians (hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha).

Have a good day

Posted 27/02/07 at 12:28 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Mr Fijne from Calgary, Canada writes: Stubborn Ox yeah man, dude don't like it when it hits home... dude.

Posted 27/02/07 at 12:29 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Y Gong from Thunder Bay, Canada writes: Joseph Sis say a fairly accurate truth for those people living cities. In deed, human right issue in China is far from satisfactory based on western standard (but definitely not as bad as some of the posts described here). That is part of the reason why it take 100 years to build a democratic society. Just ask how many years it took the Canadian goverment to apologize for HEAD TAX.

It is biased to blame everything on communist government just because it is communist. No other chinese government can improve human rights overnight.

Posted 27/02/07 at 12:30 PM EST | Alert an Editor | Link to Comment

Bernard B from Canada writes: Hey, Watson Jones. While I agree with some of your posts, the will of the majority is not necessarily freedom. I find it incredible that honest, hardworking gay coupldes cannot enjoy equal security because the yokels don't like it. I think Marx referred to this as the Tryrany of teh People: Religious Socalism

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