主题:美国投资陷阱,中国付出多大代价? -- 倥偬飞人
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Bear Stearns May Have to Rescue Second Hedge Fund, Merrill Say
Investors ``can't rule out'' the chance that Bear Stearns will ``stump up even more for a similar, more-leveraged, fund,'' Moszkowski, who rates the firm a ``buy,'' wrote in a note to clients today. He estimated that the second fund, the Bear Stearns High-Grade Structured Credit Enhanced Leveraged Fund, owes about $7 billion to its financiers.
Bear Stearns, the biggest broker to hedge funds, is struggling to keep the funds from collapsing after losses on securities backed by home loans led lenders including Merrill Lynch to demand more collateral. By assuming the loans, New York- based Bear Stearns is protecting the funds' investors while increasing the risk to the firm itself, according to Moszkowski.
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🤔一个疑问 俺就是俺 字129 2007-07-02 12:52:25
😜有道理!但是总有点舍不得,因为每天都在涨…… 古狗肥腩死 字0 2007-06-26 14:40:46
🙂谢谢. 这样一讲就明白了. 听松 字94 2007-06-26 13:47:33
🙂BSC这回麻烦大了 1 倥偬飞人 字212 2007-06-25 11:40:17
🙂今天报道,BSC很可能不bailout第二个HF了 走到河边 字6 2007-06-26 07:11:05
🙂看来和当初LTCM是无独有偶啊 倥偬飞人 字92 2007-06-26 09:00:45
🙂BSC的CDS已经飞涨了, 走到河边 字64 2007-06-26 09:18:48