
主题:【贴图】人民的总理----周恩来 -- 扔石头的

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家园 【转贴】前天向联合国档案馆发信,询问是否有文件 记录1976年为周恩来降旗的决议. 答复如下:

By 匪兵乙


记录1976年为周恩来降旗的决议. 答复如下:

I have checked all likely sources available in this Library and can find

nothing in print that confirms the United Nations flag was flown at

half-mast following Chou En-lai's death.

We have been advised by the United Nations Protocol and Liaison Service

that the protocol followed in such an event is that the Permanent Mission

(in this case of China) to the United Nations will advise the United

Nations Secretariat of the death and request that the United Nations flag

be lowered to half-mast. The United Nations cannot lower its flag without receiving instruction to do so by the appropriate Member State. Therefore, the Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations may have kept records of this.

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