

注册:2006-01-29 19:22:32


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2012-04-05 12:23:40分页 全看 树展
🙂你确定他不知道他在说什么? ↑1 ↓0
2012-04-04 18:13:33分页 全看 树展
🙂IMO, a good language is ↑2 ↓0
a language widely used. Let's agree to disagree. I do agree you that Chinese must evolve to survive. Actually I'm quite amazed about the cre ...
2012-04-04 18:02:37分页 全看 树展
🙂我没等到他 ↑0 ↓0
I didn't see him. iPod rules---iPod shuang ah! Actually I like the "Xin-HanYu"(those used on weibo for example) very much, as they are vivid ...
2012-04-04 17:53:23分页 全看 树展
🙂It's about habit ↑1 ↓0
I'm quite content with the first one now. Just remember that in English we have thousand/million, so the first comma indicates thousand and ...
2012-04-04 17:47:40分页 全看 树展
🙂That's the reason ↑1 ↓0
I detest some so-called "translations". Translation, IMO, is 50% understanding and 50% creation.
2012-04-04 17:33:46分页 全看 树展
🙂1.4 billion speaking Chinese ↑0 ↓0
I doubt that it is not a "good" language. The point is, China has its unique culture, which makes foreigners diffcult to understand and spea ...
2012-04-04 17:13:49分页 全看 树展
🙂And what does it do with ↑1 ↓0
spoken language? It does not solve your problem. Can you gurantee that you can tell "piba" from "pipa" easily? Honestly I still don't unders ...
2012-04-04 17:10:27分页 全看 树展
🙂You are pursuing the wrong ↑0 ↓0
problem. You need a precise language, but Chinese is, IMO, not exactly what you pursue. And even English is not as precise as LZ needs. If y ...
2012-04-04 17:07:37分页 全看 树展
🙂The so-called pinyinwen ↑2 ↓0
is still built on the Chinese language. You understand them because you know what are the words they indicate. Otherwise it's going to be di ...
2012-04-02 11:03:07分页 全看 树展
🙂以前有人说中国是美国殖民地 ↑10 ↓0
我觉得这个说法有些过头,叫做1/4个殖民地比较好。西方国家可以卖给台湾武器,我们还要买以不断贬值的美元为基准的巨额的美国国债,这些都应该算是保护费,从某种程度上来说美国作为一个超级大国剥削了所有国家。所以高层早就有代理人了。但是我们现在要看,这些代理人委曲求全是为了什么?如果是为 ...
2012-04-02 10:57:15分页 全看 树展
🙂高层其实从来就没有统一 ↑1 ↓0
2012-04-02 10:19:14分页 全看 树展
🙂合法性这三十年实际上应该是党内的合法性 ↑13 ↓0
而不是全国范围内的合法性,因为目前人民已经很少参与政治,所以胡对于合法性的焦虑可能是来自他是被指定且长期被江压制,所以他要在系统里头插入自己的人马是相当困难的,这也解释为啥他面瘫但是搞政治斗争却是一把好手,因为他不搞不行,当然他搞完了时间也差不多到了。同时也解释了为啥大家觉得他这 ...
2012-03-30 23:52:31分页 全看 树展
🙂其实我想最后还是要靠体制内的人出来搞 ↑3 ↓0
因为只有他们有足够资源,且因为有一定背景所以不会刚刚出来就被打压。普通的小民能够组织行动的也很多,但是监控无处不在,露头即死。从某种程度上来说,叶利钦或者薄实际上就是官僚体制的必然结果。 ...
2012-03-29 20:19:22分页 全看 树展
🙂Frank可以说是WASP一个分支的代表 ↑0 ↓0
2012-03-26 12:58:18分页 全看 树展
🙂也是。也就运输公司需要这个 ↑0 ↓0
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