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主题:【原创】中国出口大幅负增长,休克疗法恶果越来越彰显 -- 思想的行者
至于所谓官办经济,或者说官僚影响下的经济,中国政府对经济的影响,有正面的影响,也有负面的影响,需要具体的分析,但是如果鼓吹取消官办经济,也就是如同张维迎他们所鼓吹的取消政府管制,再来看看休克疗法的英文介绍,这就是immediate trade liberalization within a country,目前的李克强政府就在认真的执行这一点,但是如果政策持续延续下去,必然导致政府该发挥的作用发挥不出来,陷入无政府状态,最后是经济黑社会和海外跨国资本控制中国经济。就如同蒋介石政权一样,蒋介石本身是个大流氓,是个大黑社会头子,他们控制了一部分的经济,但是旧中国经济主要还是控制在海外资本那里,形成了一个畸形的买办的经济结构。
obviously, the growth of nation's 勞動生產率 is the ultimate driver of a nations economic & social development, without that driver in place working hard & steadily, all the bubbles are going to eventually burst, once "energy" stops its reproduction & "growth".
how "long" the long term is? nobody knows, but the future generations of Chinese nation will see "it" in their life, and "相位波" will become real 物質波 right there in their faces. enjoy it, baby(:).
yes, 科学技术是第一生产力
how to have "成建制的" 科学技术"原創", while "山寨"?
obviously, "原創" carries a premium, while "山寨" is more likely a sale at discount;
how to turn 科学技术 into 企业, again, 成建制的, if you don't have an IP system, the related legal system, and a capital market for it?
yes, you have 中国特色社会主义, what is your logic behind? can you articulate it out clearly? how are you doing so far? any predictions for the foreseeable future?
三個代表, 三個自信, 三個....?
as a nation & in long term, can you really model the future development & welfare of Chinese nation in this extremely competitive & brutal world ("heatbath") with those "三個代表, 三個自信, 三個...."?
obviously, this is all "wild modeling".
basic assumptions:
1) competitions of 運動模式
people often get upset and & emotional about what I wrote about TGchina. and I keep saying that this is basically about global heatbath vs TGchina as a subsystem far away from 平衡態 of "global heatbath".
is "global heatbath" dominated by US/white wolves "good" or "bad"? we don't know now, and in future, humanity may well comeback to Marxist/Mao's social economic development model(although very unlikely), but for now, it is all about competitions of 運動模式.
2) 热力学第0定律
not very much taught in china at all.
basically, for china to sustain its current model far away from US white dominated and managed "global heatbath", china needs constant energy supply to feed its system, at a much higher lever and growth rate, to balance out the leakage of energy from the system, such as financial capital & human capital, among other things.
where & how does china get that kind of energy supply? or outing it in a simple way, how do you keep a GDP growth rate of >6%, and at what cost?
chairman X's recent speech (fairly well known) in central party school: more than half of the 1 hour speech is about 演色革命, he & his team is obviously worried about Uncle sam & his white wolf team (including a few yellow folks).
google/fb is working hard to penetrate TG's GFW:
Broadcasting Free Internet from Outer Space!
决战千里之外, how to hedge that?
Broadcasting Free Internet from Outer Space! ... Google's Project Loon is essentially no different from Outernet. ... “free internet” dream with a fleet of drones to provide internet access worldwide with the acquisition of Ascenta, ...
if you work inside a pressure cooker, you have to watch out the risk of 李政道杨振宁"热力学极限配分函数出现奇点,系统产生相变"
1)release pressure, by killing a bounce of Jiang folks, 1 at a time, how many for many years?
2) reforming military, controlling budget & expenditure etc
3) near term, get done with this short farmers trade(城镇化) to keep GDP growth rate and make some money
4) china capital market to be opening up, sooner than later, and yes, there will be possibly bloody consequences & cost, etc.
but, to play safe, politically & economically, TG has to 统一战线 uncle sams' wall street wolf, among other goals. yes, these US wall street wolf are not cheap, with help of GOOG/FB wolfs's 决战千里之外 vs TG's GFW, omg(:).
10 years later, 自由选举, chairman X will be the 1st
民選 president of china,新加坡 model, some how & to some degree normalized with global "heat bath", uncle sam's dream of 放在火炉(global heat bath) 上考 TGchina falls apart, risk to be significantly reduced for TGchina.
likely, chairman X will succeed, 打個平手与 uncle sam, 与狼共舞, with Chinese's huge & still growing 载体经济, and Chinese people's almost unconditional support of their political elite (other than during the sever economic & political turmoil periods) , as evidenced mostly for the past 5k years.
well said; and I hope people like you to write more about what & how "white" thinks in social science area.
"知己知彼 百战不殆"
very few Chinese including those currently here in US really understand the white's "mind", across almost all areas of physical science, social science and humanities, "我的中国心+some Marxist&毛+some English terminologies" follows a Chinese no matter where he goes, "我的中国心" being formatted over past 5K yrs; "江山易改, 本性难移".
again, this is not about who (white vs Chinese) is "bad/wrong" or "good/right", it is all about who is going to formulate mainstream expectations of global society or market;
you cannot stand in the way of market, you have to go with market
and we all know whom they/TG精英交易员 are, as a group, TG精英交易员=the current Chinese elite, mostly related to TG one way or another;
many of them may never have had any "反動" training or even knowing any major "反動" foreign language at all, but obviously, they somehow have figured out how to arbitrage across TG's GFW (more of general sense), or 體制套利, globally.
让思想冲出观念的牢笼, they obviously did that very well(:). 精英=精英, for any society.
I hope people don't get upset again by my these 反動 comments(:).
even 西化: MD'll still chew TGchina (since most Chinese people likely will support TG anyway, short of a major economic political turmoil, so TG=china in a sense and as a reality). and I have written in the past about some possible reasons, and with TG's pocket being the deepest now, full of gold, yum yum(:).
and that makes the whole game even trickier for TG, and trickier for those TG senior traders.
I would think that chairman X & his team know this situation very well.
but how to play this game, domestically & internationally?
for uncle sam, it seems that the most dangerous points (911, 2008 financial crisis, 北京共识 as an ideology/economic development model challenge to US/white) may have been put behind. now, uncle sam is going to play the game very slow, they may think that time is on their side.
TG elite traders global game of 體值套利 will go on, china GDP growth rate has to be >6% or higher, but how and at what cost?
US white wolves are watching, very closely.
besides, their WS brothers always get a reasonably big share of that 體值套利 anyway.
just a guess, obviously.