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主题:【求助】做中国文化的一个解释、阐述、讲课 -- springisok
thanks for your openness, I am happy to talk to you about all the China things,
during the speech I made to your plant, an employee asked why China always copy.
I do not regard this question as simple one, but due to the limitted speech time and my knowledge level, I cannot give you a thorough answer.
this is a very important question, without clariying it, it may influence ***,
I think it a lot during my trip back to China, I write it down below, I would not say my thinking is always right, but somehow if my words below can spark some deep thougts of your own, then I feel happy.
so if you accept your sentences below, plz share to your engineers esp, that employee who ask.
if you do not accept, plz tell me, I will keep on thinking and consult and give you another.
Waldrich Coburg is a famous brand in the machining tool industry, it suffered a operation difficulties, and finally it was bought by Ingersoll International, USA in 1986. Hubert Becker, who is current board director of Waldrich Coburg, depicted their cooperations time between USA and Waldrich Coburg as a hard time, their mother company made the same machining equipment and all the decisions was in USA. In 2003, Ingersoll International USA went bankrupty, and then Beijing Number 1 Machine Tool Plant purchased Waldrich Coburg.
for this cooperation, Hubert Becker think they have a new life.
even in the economic crisis in 2009 which brought all the machine tool plants in German drop more than 30%, but Waldrich Coburg still saw up to 20% increase because of the Chinese customers' buying. Waldrich Coburg enrolled more employees and expanded their new investment to 30 million euros.
Mr. Hubert Becker did not think to-teach-Chinese will be a problem to them, Currently Waldrich Coburg can only take less 10% of the market share, the market is big enough for anyone to explore.
another cases is from the high-speed train industry in China, and this might be a more successful case to depict the "Copy".
firstly, plz see the below link movie telling about High-speed train industry in China, I cannot find its english version.
so I concisely explain it.
firstly, it showed TangShan (where now Aisin Japan have a gearbox plant there) was totally destroyed in a historic earthquake in 1970s. all the engineers and workers in that plant was buried in that debris. then the plant was set up again. now it showed a file room, where kept a 580 diaries which was 580 workers's learning note from German when they got trained in Germany. now what they learned is applied into the high-speed train, one of the most succeeding industry in China over foreign countries.
in the middle, a manager summarized:
first step is to empty our head, to make us as an idiot, to learn from the lowest point from German colleagues,
secondly, paralise all the working instruction and habit,
thirdly, be familiar with all the instructions
forthly, start to think why set up these instructions
fifithly, is it possible to improve it? to improve every problems
sixthly, then set up a innovative system to enhance this improvements. this increase the improvements up to the level of company culture.
this procedure showed a perfect case to see the firstly copy to finally self-innovation.
and in this slide, it mentioned a famale worker, who invented a way and write it into work instructions, by her way, the work of line-link increased efficiency and her German teacher asked to copy this work instructions back to German to show how we Chinese worker did work.
in the 15:45, it mentioned a process of bending the steel tube, the German company refused to transfer this technology to China, so this worker, after tens of thousands of experiments, he invented the world first software to bend the steel tube.
I suggest to see the end song, where you could see a lot normal Chinese worker's face.
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黄老学说属于道家,孔子 学说属于儒家这是毫无疑问的,之后的庄子杨朱,孟子荀子各自传承,周易八卦之学道家和儒家人士均有涉猎,并非属于哪一“家”,而到发展为“教”之后,在宇宙观等方面的重叠度有一个发展变化,道教尤其是葛洪以后的道教和道家比起来,和儒教在宇宙观上更为接近一些。
可是我还没收到,烦请再发一次,[email protected],多谢了。。
确实很好文章,留个邮箱:[email protected].先谢谢了!