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主题:zt, 资产支持票据揭开发行序幕 三企业获25亿注册额度 -- parishg
this is earlier study.
But ABS lacks transparency: conclusion from the credit crisis.
every day.
One example: the former Contract Law of China does not allow "natural person" as a contracting party when a foreign counterparty is involved (but foreign natural person can be a contracting party).
It is the most dumb law you can ever see among civilized nations.
从某种意义上,既对基础资产及其现金流拥有优先占有权,又和普通债券持有人保留对发行企业的资产的共同追溯权(优于股东),这更像 covered bond, or secured funding,No?
有时间我拿发行书看看,有一点说的不错,shadow banking
但一但相关从业人员的利益结构扭曲,各种副作用就会explosively hit the financial system. 我对国内的金融从业人员实在是没法放心,they may minimize potential benefits (e.g., cheaper financing, tapping non-bank saving) and maximize the side effect of ABS.
You are right: if it is consolidated/on the book of issuer, then it is actually covered bond (more common in Europe).
I am not sure about the structure used here. But normally, China should develop corporate bond first: it is easy to monitor for creditors and risk is also easy to find and measure.