主题:【名家有声绘本打包】-《Dr. Seuss 系列第一辑》 -- endogenous
- 共: 💬 11 🌺 3
Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are
Dr.Seuss's A B C
Fox In Socks
Gertrude Mcfuzz
Great Day For Up
Horton Hatches The Egg
Horton Hears A Who
How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food
Hunches In Bunches
I Can Read With My Eyes Shut
If I Ran The Zoo
I'm Not Going to Get Up Today

Are You My Mother
Beach day
Brown bear brown bear what do you see
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Click clack moo crows that type
cloudy with a chance of meatballs
curious george
don't let the pigeon drive the bus
Everyone Poops-Taro Gomi
fancy nancy
Go Dog Go
Good Night Gorilla
Goodnight moon!
Green Eggs and Ham
Guess How Much I Love You
Hailstones and Halibut Bones
love you forever
No David
one fish two fish red fish blue fish
The Giving Tree
The kissing hand
The Little Engine That Could
The lorax
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
The very hungry caterpillar
We are going on a bear hunt
What do people do all day
Where The Wild Things Are
Zen Shorts
Tikki Tikki Tembo
The Eleventh hour
In the night kitchen
The Story of the Three Little Pig
Runaway Bunny
red book
once upon a potty
The Rainbow Fish
The Snowy day
The Paper Bag Princess
The Napping House
How do dinosaurs say good night
Dear Zoo
Knuffle bunny
llama llama red pajama
Make Way for Ducklings
The dot
The Polar Express
The stinky cheese man
The story of Ferdinand
George and martha
If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
Mike mulligan steam shovel
Miss Rumphius
Owl Moon
Strega nona
The story of Babar
The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig
The Wiggles - We're Going on a Bear Hunt
The wump world
Five little ducks
Grandma wolf
Like a windy day
Love You Forever
Mole and the baby bird
Puppy too small
Sheep in a jeep