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主题:【整理】zt China helpEurope, AF -- parishg
but there are moments where China's gov. made decisions shocking enough to average Joes. My jaw dropped when Wen rushed out the 4t temporary stimulus plan in early 2009.
Rather than temporarily depressing the housing bubble, Wen created a permanent ticking housing bomb for each average Chinese back in China.
Have you asked why so many rich middle class in China are now rushing for emmigration? I know Canada immigration dept. was flooded by applications from Chinese... trust me.
exchanged, WHERE Europeans can get money to pay back in RMB??
Q2. Given the large trade surplus China enjoyed against Europe, WHERE Europeans can get RMB to pay back loan in RMB?
If RMB is freely exchangeable under a set of new regime, then China is for sure to experience fast capital outflow. And China might soon face another financial crisis of itself.
It is catch-22 for China with this funny proposal. You should immediately figure out the proposer of this plan is brainless. The plan itself will make the system unstable at the beginning--and the default of loan almost 100% certain.
Historical comparison:
America lent money in USD to Europe after WWI and then depreciated USD in early 1930s. It enjoyed huge surplus against Europe in 1920s and early 1930 and is Europe's main creditor. BUT It passed special customs duty law to exclude European export from the US market.
Europeans asked Americans a simple question which signaled how self-contradictory Americans were: given that our export to the US market will be curtailed and we will NOT achieve net export to the US market, WHERE ARE WE GOING TO GET THE USD TO PAY back all the private and gov. loans?
Americans did not care about their self-contradiction and pushed Europeans to pay back debts, then in the end, Europe was pushed into another banking crisis in 1930s and finally ended up in war.
人民币记价应该防的是, 欧洲央行最后搞量化宽松.
另外, 通过IMF, 不知道是否有抵押品?
目前, 有可能摆在台面上的条件:
(1) 开放市场
(2) 开放投资(冒似TG还不能很方便的投资欧洲实体经济, 谁给说说?)
Fulford最近的言论中给出了具体的名字和时间(15th Nov). N多人等着看打脸或者真相.
当然这些人的集体行为,把他们自己的阶层给逼出了中国今后的游戏圈。邓当年的 让一部分人先富起来,先富带后富共同富裕是一个政治妥协和承诺。这个阶层的人集体短视的移民了,那么这个邓当年的政治宣言事实上破产了,于是中国的改开的逻辑就不存在了。
on other topics, but maybe not financial issues.
人民币记价应该防的是, 欧洲央行最后搞量化宽松.
--currency swap is used to solve TEMPORARY LIQUIDITY problem. Fed of US did that in 2008 to help out Europeans and Koreans.
Gov. loans and then conversion of those loans through SPV into EQUITY INVESTMENT in French banks help to address LT SOLVENCY problem.
very different issues. Please do not take it as an offense, but you mix up two issues.