主题:鄂温克族先人在白令海峡相籍别,同胞兄弟今在何方 -- 酥油茶
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翻译的一个小故事,由于时间所限主要靠google scholar,大家帮我看一下遣词用句和语法吧
Dulaer-May, an Ewenki writer wrote a story told by her forefathers since childhood, in one of her most popular books ("My father is a Shaman (Medicine Man):
Long ago, Evenki people decided to immigrate from their old places, and they were moving in several directions. Some of them walk along the beach to the north, reached the end of the mainland and found this place a triangle shape, three sides surrounded by the sea, the coastline towards to the horizon, the same as the arrows fly forward, Ewenki people call it: "New-tHE" niure); and when tides come up, the coastlines look like a bow, Evenki people call it "the Bering Xidun" (bairing xiden), this place is the Bering Strait. There were several clans together migrating, after they come here, people began to hesitate," are they going west along the coastline? Or turn around and return? At this time, a shaman had a dream that he met a white-bearded elders who told him: This is the coast of the bow and arrow! From here, you can go across the sea like a shot arrow, across the sea, there is a really good place, that place is called Alaxijia (alaxijia, Evenki language meaning "to wait for you") - this place is the United States, Alaska. For several days, shaman were having the same dream. So shaman called the chiefs to discuss migration matters, the results were that some people wanted to go across the sea, some people wanted to return , they could not persuade each other. At last shaman come up with an idea , he said: "people who go back, sleep at night towards the direction of where we come; people who wanted to go across the sea, sleep with the head pointing towards the direction of the sea ." The next morning, when Shaman looked around, people were really sleeping in two directions. This prompted him to make up decision to lead those people who wanted to go across the sea. Prior to departure, Shaman said: "Let us say farewell to each other, in the future we will be very far away, how would our children recognize each other? To remember each other, they decided that Evenki would wear an "arrow ring" (the ring with which one shoots an arrow) in the thumb. "In this way, they broke up.
In the past, Evenki was not afraid of water, they could swim and make ship, they went across the wide strait with bundled logs. In the parting time, the two groups of people hugged each other and just could not separate, the people going across the strait standing on a raft were constantly waving to the people staying on shore and shouting: "ugljan , ugljan (wugelian, Evenki language, meaning" to go it! go! ") Later, the name of this place is called: Wu E with (English Uelen).
Many years later, there has not been the message of the people who have gone across the sea, the people who have gone back from the Straits still remember the name: Elaxijia(Alaska) - waiting for you.
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Dulaer May, an Evenki writer learned the Evenki emigration story from old Evenki in his childhood, which has been orally passed from generation to generation among Evenki people. The Evenki emigration history dates back to a very long time ago and the directions of their movements are quite diverse. One tribe ever moved along the beach toward north and finally reached the end of the land. Evenki emigrants found the coast area where they arrived has a triangle shape: the land stretches out like an arrow so Evenki call it niure. On the other hand, the water forms a bow when the tide is up on and the water encloses around the beach. Therefore they called it bairing xiden. Today it is known as Bering strait. At that time, there were several clans moving together to this place where they were puzzled by the future moving directions: Should they continue to follow the coast line and turn around toward west or just return? One day a Shaman had a dream where an old man with white mustachio said to him, " This coast area is like a bow. Cross the sea here then you like a shot arrow. On the other side of the sea, there is a wonderful land awaiting you. " In Evenki, to await you spells as alaxijia. Now this place is known as Alaska. In the next a couple of days the Shaman kept having the same dreams. It was the time to make a decision. So the Shaman called the clan leaders for a meeting to discuss the future emigrating directions. However they could not reach any agreement, because some of them wished to cross the sea while some other insisted returning, until the Shaman worked out a way:" All those who like to return, put your head toward the way back when you are sleeping at night; all those who prefer crossing sea, put your head toward beach when you are sleeping at night." The next morning, the Shaman found people did as they were required to do. Since Evenki emigrants were separated into two groups by their heads already, the Shaman made up his mind to lead those who preferred continuing their movement to cross the sea. He said, "Let's depart here. From now on, we are going to be separated far away. In the future, how do our children and grand children identify them as Evenki so that they know each other? Keep it in mind, all those who have arrow rings wrapping around the thumbs are Evenki!" Then the Evenki emigrants departed them at Bering strait.
In the old days, Evenki people were not afraid of sea, because they not only knew how to swim, but also had mastered the skills of making a boat. They tied logs together as rafts for crossing the strait. However, the departure gave Evenki emigrants a real hard time. Standing on the rafts that were floating over the sea, those who were going to cross sea kept on waving their hands toward those who stayed, "Wugelian, Wugelian!" Later this location was called Uelen.
After so many years, people have been hearing nothing from those who had crossed the strait. However, the Evenki emigrants who had moved back kept the name of the strait in their mind, alaxijia- await you.
杜拉尔·梅从小就听鄂温克的老人说,在很早以前,鄂温克人就开始迁徙了,是朝几个方向迁徙的。其中一部分人沿着海边往北方走,走到了大陆尽头,发现这个地方有三角形的海岸,海岸像箭头一样朝前伸,鄂温克人称它为:“牛热”(niure);而海水围过来,就像一把弓,鄂温克人称它为“白令希敦” (bairing xiden),这个地方就是白令海峡。当时有好几个氏族一同迁徙,走到这里,人们就开始犹豫了,是顺着海岸线往西拐呢?还是掉过头往回走呢?这时候,一个萨满做了一个梦,它梦见一个白胡子长者对他说:这就是像弓箭一样的海岸啊!从这里渡海就像射出去的箭,海的对面可是一个好地方,那个地方叫阿拉希加(alaxijia,鄂温克语意为“等待你”)—这个地方就是美国的阿拉斯加。一连几天,萨满都做同样的梦。于是萨满召集各氏族首领共同商议迁徙的事,结果有的人同意渡海,有的人却要往回返,各说不一。最后萨满拿出一个主意,他说:“往回走的人,晚上朝回去的方向睡;想渡海的人,头朝大海的方向睡。”第二天早上,萨满一看,人们真的分两个方向睡了。这促使他下定了渡海的决心。临行前,萨满说:“现在就让我们分手吧,以后我们会离得很远,我们的后代怎样彼此相认呢?要记住,大拇指上戴箭环的人,就是我们鄂温克人。”就这样,他们分手了。