
主题:芬兰民族英雄曼纳海姆元帅年轻时候和中国倒是很有瓜葛。 -- CaoMeng

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家园 曼纳海姆的中文名字是。。。


曼纳海姆取此名的意思,除了是曼纳海姆的汉语音译,大概就是俺到中国,还有马上到中国的意思。我真不知道作者Eric Enno Tamm 是整么翻译成了《Horse that Leaps Through Cloud》马跳云霄? 嗨,西方年轻人是一蟹不如一蟹啊!


关键词(Tags): #曼纳海姆
家园 比较接近,请看以上答案。
家园 就差一点点,请看以上答案。
家园 没他的话,芬兰或许也成了苏联的加盟共和国了



家园 那也不能这样说





家园 他真的有些像希特勒



家园 罗斯福的母亲萨拉·罗斯福也曾在香港生活
家园 曼纳海姆的政治智慧高出大波波的那帮上校一大截


家园 曼纳海姆的中国情报报告




In the spring of 1906 soon after my coming back from the war, the Chief of the General Staff proposed that I undertake a journey from Russian Turkestan across Western China, the provinces of Gansu, Shaanxi and Shanxi up to Peking [Beijing].

The goals of my business trip were:

To collect information and military statistical materials in the region paying special attention to China behind the Great Wall.

To clarify to what extent the recently adopted reforms have influenced the state of affairs in the region.

To find out information relating to the preparations of the country’s defence, relocation and troop training.

To study the intensity of colonization by the Chinese of the provinces crossed by me as well as reforms carried out by the central government in the system of administrative management.

To assess the general condition of the population, its attitude to Chinese policy, political movements in regions or in local tribes striving towards self-government, the role of the Dalai Lama in such movements, the population’s opinion concerning Russia and Japan as well as the scope of Japanese influence in all activities undertaken by the Chinese government.

To study the routes to Kashgar and then Lanzhou and Peking [Beijing] in terms of the accessibility for our cavalry detachments and others and the transport of three types of weapons to Lanzhou.

In addition to the above instructions, some more specific tasks were set, such as:

To survey the road Kashgar – Gulja-davan – Uch-Turfan and along the Toshkan River.

To investigate the Toshkan River basin from its source in the mountains to its emptying into the Yarkand River in terms of arranging the defense line.

To make a military and statistical description of the Aksu oasis.

To study the way from Aksu to Gulja across the Muzart pass.

To study the Yulduz Valley.

Exploration of the readiness of the town of Lanzhou for possible future use.

I left Petersburg in late June and arrived in Tashkent on July 5 where I met the army group commander General-Lieutenant Subbotich and Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the region General-Major Markov. They did not give me any new instructions. It took me several days to supply me with the necessary supplies and equipment and I left Tashkent only on July 13 for Samarkand with the Cossacks of the Second Ural Cossack regiment assigned by the Imperial Order to participate in the expedition.

In Samarkand I recruited two Cossacks, viz. Ignati Yunusov and Shakir Rakhimjanov. I went to the town of Andijan by railroad and from there by horses to the town of Osh where I arrived on July 16.

关键词(Tags): #曼纳海姆#俄国间谍
家园 曼纳海姆的中国情报报告:关于日本人

Section F: About the Japanese

Preliminary Report on the Trip Undertaken by Imperial Order Across Chinese Turkestan and the Northern Provinces of China to Peking in 1906–07 and 1908 by Col. Baron Mannerheim

Pages 156-159

Activities of the Japanese have enhanced considerably since the last war. Their presence in all the provinces of northern China proves the scale of their attention to these provinces. Within the last two to three years, the influx of their goods has been continuously increasing and now they can be found even in the remotest markets. I saw them from Kashgar and Gulja and beginning from northern Gansu Japanese cotton cloth and various [goods] make up a significant part of imports even now.

Before my arrival in Xinjiang province, there were five Japanese there. Two of them visited the Ili district: one lived in Suidung for some time, invited the canzan at his place and communicated continuously with mandarins. They visited Chuguchak but left it prior to my arrival, though one – Hayashida – was to come back to work as a teacher. There were no military among them. Two others arrived from inner China to Xinjiang province in early 1907.

In some night shelters, I happened to hear about their trip, but I managed to find out their route only as far as Turfan. I concluded that they went to Urumqi as it would be impossible for them to drive through Toksun and Karashara unnoticed. Major Hino, who crossed Urumqi, Chuguchaw, the Ili region, the Yulduz Valley, Karashar and travelled farther to the south in 1907, seemed to be the first military man in Chinese Turkestan. He wore a military uniform, rode a horse given to him as a gift by canzun Chang accompanied by several Chinese officers and made a road survey. In Karashar, a regional civilian official and military mandarins paid him a visit responding to the business cards sent to them. I am mentioning these cases as they make me think that Hino undertook his trip on canzun Chang’s request. There are no Japanese in northern Gansu. I heard several times that there were Japanese travelling in the area but I think they were probably the same persons. In Lanzhou, twho Japanese worked as teachers about a year in one of schools, but they were fired shortly before my arrival due to some disagreement between them and the school authorities.

From southern Gansu and farther on, I heard constantly about the Japanese who came there to familiarize themselves with the market or to sell medicines, but the prices were so high that they didn’t sell much. They have been seen more often in this region after 1907. Two reports said they were going to Xinjiang province.

In the province of Shaanxi, I found eight Japanese teachers in the city of Xi’an. Three Japanese live in the city of Sang-yuang, and three Japanese in northern Shaanxi head oil production and are paid by the local administration. As has been mentioned, surveys for the railroad of Xi’an-Tongguan were undertaken by the Japanese and most likely they were military men.

I also happened to hear about Japanese on my way to Kaifeng via [Louyang], and in the city of Kaifeng as well as Taiyuan there were several Japanese teachers. In the northern part of Shanxi province the Japanese visited all cities there. In Guihua [Hohhot], I was told about one who had recently departed to Ili riding a camel and about another who went north to Mongolia. A Japanese crossed Fengzhan in the direction of Mongolia and in Kalgan [Zhangjiakou] they mentioned several similar cases.

It is apparent that the activity of the Japanese in the provinces of northern China has increased considerably within the last two to three years. Although their influence is seen more in instructions and programs issued by the central government than by local administrations, one should take into account the fact that any of those “modest” Japanese teachers are or could be secret advisors of higher provincial officials. The trip undertaken by Major Hino seems to be the first sign of more active work by the Japanese in Xinjiang province. I have already mentioned the Japanese have played a significant role in the economic life of Shanaxi province. Except for the activities mentioned, I did not observe any actions undertaken by the Japanese. More often they appeared in the district close to the frontiers of wouthern Mongolia from Ordos (middle and southern Gansu) to the lands of the Chahars (the entire northern part of Shanxi).

In schools, they usually teach chemistry and other science subjects. They keep away from Europeans and missionaries, even English ones.

At the beginning of my report, I mentioned the opinion of the Chinese authorities in Xinjiang province about the Japanese, the outcome of the last war, etc., and I can only add that there is a tangible dislike and distrust of the highest layers of the Chinese society towards them which only increased as I approached the Pacific coast.

They failed to gain the admiration of the Chinese after their astounding military victories; on the contrary, there is a feeling of anxiety and distrust due to their insatiable political appetite and incredible arrogance.

The Japanese impact on the revolutionary movement of southern China and the equivocal role played by Japan in weapon smuggling succeeded only in enhancing the dislike of the Chinese towards them. The hatred of the Chinese mandarins and others who visited Manchuria during the last war and the war between Japan and China is acquiring especially harsh forms. Chinese often criticize our actions too and unfortunately the criticism has grounds, but all the same, the Chinese give undoubted preference to us rather than the Japanese.

关键词(Tags): #曼纳海姆#中国情报
家园 这家伙前半生和后半生几乎是两个人



家园 这位单身穿越夏特古道的仁兄是个牛人啊!谢了, 上花!


家园 二战后,苏联对芬兰的态度也很友善


家园 看不懂
家园 呵呵,不是在下。我是身不能至,心向往之。
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