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Ultimate Fighting Championship


UFC - About the Event

UFC is the ultimate fighting championship. It is an almost no holds barred event that challenges all comers to practice their martial arts skills against each other in a real street fight setting. A few have come away victorious. Most have discovered that their years of training have done them no good.

It's interesting to note, that these trained black belt martial artists and kung fu masters, once engaged in a real fight, are reduced to children's wrestling and basic slap and kicks.

UFC is an event that challenges different types of martial arts and combines them together in a ring. You can see different types of styles such as Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, Ninjitsu, Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Kungfu, Muay Thai, Shootfighting, Judo and much more. Some of the remembered fighters are Ken Shamrock the first champion of UFC, Gracie Royce who was well known for ability to lock fighters in submissions. Although UFC was very graphic and very real, it was really popular with paper-view and live showings. Below describes the first 3 UFC Events.

UFC The Beginning

In November of 1993, an event took place which would redefine the martial arts community. This event was known as the Ultimate Fighting Championship, an idea conceived by a number of people, including Robert Meyrowitz, Rorion Gracie, and Art Davie.

This event featured eight martial artists of different styles and experience in a winner take all tournament. The event was billed as having no rules and was the first of its kind in North America. This unique event did in fact have two rules (no biting or eye-gouging), and took place in The Octagon, an eight-sided ring based on the ideas of a Hollywood producer.

The fighters who competed where relative unknowns, with a variety of styles from Karate to Japanese Shootfighting. The favorites to win the event where Ken Shamrock, a well built shootfighter who had made a name for himself in Japan and Pat Smith, a brash and cocky kickboxer. However, the man who stole the show, and also revealed a new style of fighting to North Americans was Royce Gracie, a lanky lightweight fighter who represented Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, a groundfighting style modified and perfected by the Gracie family in Brazil.

The event was billed has having no rules, however, several rules were present, including no biting and no eye gouging. There were also rounds of ten minutes, but since no match came close to this time, the rounds were inconsequential.

This event showed the world what the martial arts where really about and triggered the explosion of mixed martial arts events around the globe.

UFC No Way Out

UFC 2 was a very interesting departure from the first UFC. There were several changes from the first event, including an expansion of the tournament to 16 fighters, meaning that the winner would have to succeed in four fights in one night. The event was full of fighters representing many various fighting styles, from Karate and Kung Fu, to Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, to Muay Thai and Penchak Silat.

There were a large number of strikers and mismatches in the group of 16, which resulted in many very quick and brutal matches. Interestingly enough, more fights were ended by submission than by strikes, proving that in the early days of the event, even a little bit of groundfighting experience was necessary for survival in the Octagon.

There were several returning fighters, including UFC 1 champion and favorite to win Royce Gracie, Pat Smith and the two men who fought in a qualifying match in UFC 1, Jason Delucia and Trent Jenkins.

The only major rule change was the elimination of rounds in the fights, since they were deemed unnecessary after the short fights of the first event.

Surprisingly, only one alternate was needed in the main draw as Fred Ettish was substituted for Frank Hammaker, who broke his hand in his preliminary round win against Thaddeus Luster.

UFC The American Dream

In UFC 3, the event once again returned to its original format of an eight man tournament. Royce Gracie, who had now gained notoriety as being unstoppable after cruising through the first two events, would face his biggest challenge to date, Kimo, in one of the more infamous matches in UFC history. Another match which has also gained fame was between Keith Hackney and the largest man to ever step inside the Octagon, American amateur Sumo Emmanuel Yarbrough, who measured 6'8" and weighed 668lbs. This match was the first in a long night of injuries and controversy.

Another anomaly which occurred at this event was the situation concerning the alternates. For the first and only time in the history of the event, an alternate fighter stepped in and won the event. In fact, both alternate fighters were utilized, and a third could have been used. After the quarter finals, Hackney injured his hand in his fight against Yarbrough and was forced out, prompting Felix Lee Mitchell to fight Ken Shamrock in the semis. Also after the first round, Gracie was forced to withdraw due to an injury and fatigue. However, had he just stayed in the locker room and withdrawn (like most fighters do), then Harold Howard would have fought Jennum in the semis. Since Gracie actually came to the ring and then threw in the towel before the fight started, Howard got a bye to the finals. If Gracie had followed procedure, then the winner of Shamrock vs. Mitchell and Howard vs. Jennum would have fought for the title.

In the semis, Shamrock was able to defeat Mitchell, but in the process got injured (and had also lost his chance with a fight against Gracie, the man who beat him in UFC 1), so he pulled out, leaving Howard to face the alternate Jennum in the finals. Again, had Gracie followed the usual way of doing things, then it would have been the winner of Howard vs. Jennum against a third alternate in the finals. This did not occur, and Jennum went on to win.

UFC 3 also marked the first time the event was held outside of Colorado, as Charlotte, NC was the host venue for the event.

UFC - Humble beginnings to Pay Per View Mega Hit!

The Ultimate Fighting Championships began in 1993. It redefined what martial arts was all about. It set in motion, the battleground for the karate community, where fighters from all backgrounds could come together and test their art, mano o mano, man vs man against the best, all trained in different arts. Set aside was the facade, the smoke screens and the mystique behind each art, and now naked before you was the basic street fighter!

In the fist UFC 1, Royce Gracie made Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu famous with his tacticful ground fighting. He didn't have much in the way of kicks or punches, but his expert Jujitsu skills and joint locking techniques beat them all that day. Royce Gracie would go on to win many more events in the events to come. Eventually, the fighters learned to guard against the Gracie Guard and with their combination mixed martial arts skills, punching power and power kicks, Joyce Gracie would be later dethroned.

Fighters In UFC 1

Date: Nov 12, 1993

Delucia, Jason

(Kung Fu/Freestyle)

Frazier, Zane

(Kenpo Karate)

Gordeau, Gerard


Gracie, Royce

(Gracie Jiu-Jitsu)

Jenkins, Trent


Jimmerson, Art


Rosier, Kevin


Shamrock, Ken

(Submission Fighting)

Smith, Pat


Tuli, Teila


Event Location

Denver, CO


Delucia vs. Jenkins - Delucia wins by tapout (rear naked choke)

Quarter Finals:

Gordeau vs. Tuli - Gordeau wins by referee stoppage (kick)

Rosier vs. Frazier - Rosier wins by the towel being thrown in (stomps)

Gracie vs. Jimmerson - Gracie wins by tapout (mount)

Shamrock vs. Smith - Shamrock wins by tapout (leglock)

Semi Finals:

Gordeau vs. Rosier - Gordeau wins by referee stoppage (stomps)

Gracie vs. Shamrock - Gracie wins by tapout (rear naked choke)


Gracie vs. Gordeau - Royce Gracie wins by tapout (rear naked choke)

Fighters In UFC 2

Date Mar. 11, 1994

Fighters In This UFC

Baker, Scott

(Kung Fu)

Daugherty, Sean


Delucia, Jason

(Kung Fu)

Ettish, Fred


Gracie, Royce

(Gracie Jiu-Jitsu)

Hammaker, Frank


Ichihara, Minoki


Jenkins, Trent


Leon, Alberto

(Penchak Silat)

Levicki, David

(Kung Fu)

Lucarrelli, Robert


Luster, Thaddeus

(Kung Fu)

Morris, Scott


Pardoel, Remco


Rhodes, Johnny


Smith, Pat


Weit, Orlando

(Muay Thai)

Wizard, Ray


Event Location

Denver, CO



Fred Ettish

Trent Jenkins

Preliminary Round:

Morris vs. Daugherty - Morris wins by tapout (guillotine choke)

Smith vs. Wizard - Smith wins by tapout (guillotine choke)

Rhodes vs. Levicki - Rhodes wins by tapout (strikes)

Hammaker vs. Luster - Hammaker wins by tapout (choke)

Weit vs. Lucarrelli - Weit wins by corner stoppage (elbows)

Pardoel vs. Leon - Pardoel wins by referee stoppage (strikes)

Delucia vs. Baker - Delucia wins by tapout (strikes)

Gracie vs. Ichihara - Gracie wins by tapout (armbar)

Quarter Finals:

Smith vs. Morris - Smith wins by referee stoppage (strikes)

Rhodes vs. Ettish - Rhodes wins by tapout (bar choke)

Pardoel vs. Weit - Pardoel wins by knockout (elbows)

Gracie vs. Delucia - Gracie wins by tapout (armbar)

Semi Finals:

Smith vs. Rhodes - Smith wins by tapout (guillotine choke)

Gracie vs. Pardoel - Gracie wins by tapout (gi choke)


Gracie vs. Smith - Gracie wins by corner stoppage (punches)

Royce Gracie is the UFC II Champion

Fighters In UFC 3

Event Date Sept. 4, 1994

Fighters In This UFC

Gracie, Royce

(Gracie Jiu-Jitsu)

Hackney, Keith

(White Tiger Kenpo Karate)

Howard, Harold


Jennum, Steve


Leininger, Christophe


Leopoldo, Kimo

(Tae Kwon Do)

Mitchell, Felix Lee

(Kung Fu)

Payne, Roland

(Muay Thai)

Shamrock, Ken


Yarbrough, Emmanuel


Event Location

Charlotte, NC



Steve Jennum

Felix Lee Mitchell

Quarter Finals:

Hackney vs. Yarbrough - Hackney wins by tapout (punches)

Shamrock vs. Leininger - Shamrock wins by tapout (choke)

Howard vs. Payne - Howard wins by knockout (punches)

Gracie vs. Leopoldo - Gracie wins by tapout (armbar)

Semi Finals:

Shamrock vs. Mitchell - Shamrock wins by tapout (choke)

Gracie vs. Howard - Howard wins by forfeit


Jennum vs. Howard - Jennum wins by tapout (punches)

Steve Jennum is the UFC III Champion

Fighters In UFC 4

Event Date Dec. 16, 1994

Fighters In This UFC

Bossett, Marcus

(Shorin-Ryu Karate)

Bowen, Melton


Charles, Joe


Fairn, Jason

(Fairn Jiu-Jitsu)

Gracie, Royce

(Gracie Jiu-Jitsu)

Hackney, Keith

(White Tiger Kenpo Karate)

Jennum, Steve


Macias, Anthony


Mezger, Guy


Rosier, Kevin


Severn, Dan


Son, Joe


Van Clief, Ron

(Goju Karate)

Xavier, Eldo Dias


Event Location

Tulsa, OK


Alternate Matches:

Charles vs. Rosier - Charles wins by tapout (armbar)

Bossett vs. Xavier - Bossett wins by tapout (punches)

UFC 5 Qualifying Match:

Mezger vs. Fairn - Mezger wins by corner stoppage (punches)

Quarter Finals:

Gracie vs. Van Clief - Gracie wins by tapout (choke)

Hackney vs. Son - Hackney wins by tapout (choke)

Jennum vs. Bowen - Jennum wins by tapout (armbar)

Severn vs. Macias - Severn wins by tapout (choke)

Semi Finals:

Gracie vs. Hackney - Gracie wins by tapout (armlock)

Severn vs. Bossett - Severn wins by tapout (choke)


Gracie vs. Severn - Gracie wins by tapout in 15:49 (triangle choke)

Royce Gracie is the UFC IV Champion

Fighters In UFC 5

Event Date Apr. 7, 1995

Fighters In This UFC

Anderson, Andy

(Tae Kwon Do)

Beneteau, Dave


Cancio, Asbel

(Kung Fu)

Charles, Joe


Cureton, Larry


Dowdy, John


Gracie, Royce

(Gracie Jiu-Jitsu)

Hess, Jon


Medina, Todd

(Jeet Kune Do)

Mezger, Guy


Severn, Dan


Shamrock, Ken


Taktarov, Oleg


Verdicia, Ernest

(Kenpo Karate)

Event Location

Charlotte, NC


Alternate Matches:

Beneteau vs. Cancio - Beneteau wins by tapout (punches)

Mezger vs. Dowdy - Mezger wins by corner stoppage (strikes)

Quarter Finals:

Hess vs. Anderson - Hess wins by corner stoppage (strikes)

Medina vs. Cureton - Medina wins by tapout (choke)

Taktarov vs. Verdicia - Taktarov wins by tapout (choke)

Severn vs. Charles - Severn wins by referee stoppage (rear naked choke)

Semi Finals:

Beneteau vs. Medina - Beneteau wins by corner stoppage (punches)

Severn vs. Taktarov - Severn wins by referee stoppage (strikes)


Severn vs. Beneteau - Severn wins by tapout in 3:00 (armlock)


Gracie vs. Shamrock - Time Limit Draw after 36:06

Fighters In UFC 6

Event Date Jul. 14, 1995

Fighters In This UFC

Abbott, David


Beneteau, Dave


Gipson, He-Man


McClaughlin, Jack


Macias, Anthony


Matua, John

(Kapu Kuialua)

Moncayo, Rudyard

(Kenpo Karate)

Severn, Dan


Shamrock, Ken


Smith, Pat


Sutton, Joel

(Preying Mantis Kung Fu)

Taktarov, Oleg


Varelans, Paul


Worsham, Cal

(Tae Kwon Do)

Event Location

Casper, WY


Alternate Matches:

Sutton vs. McClaughlin - Sutton wins by corner stoppage (strikes)

Macias vs. Gipson - Macias wins by tapout (strikes)

Quarter Finals:

Abbott vs. Matua - Abbott wins by knockout (punches)

Varelans vs. Worsham - Varelans wins by tapout (elbows)

Smith vs. Moncayo - Smith wins by tapout (strikes)

Taktarov vs. Beneteau - Taktarov wins by tapout (choke)

Semi Finals:

Abbott vs. Varelans - Abbott wins by referee stoppage (strikes)

Taktarov vs. Macias - Taktarov wins by tapout (choke)


Taktarov vs. Abbott - Taktarov wins by tapout in 17:47 (choke)


Shamrock vs. Severn - Shamrock wins by tapout in 3:49 (choke)

Oleg Taktarov is the UFC VI Champion

Ken Shamrock is the UFC Superfight Champion

Fighters In UFC 7

Event Date Sept. 8, 1995

Fighters In This UFC

Bessac, Scott


Cureton, Larry


Hall, Mark

(Moo Yea Do)

Harris, Gerry

(Kyokushin-kai Karate)

Hood, David

(Jeet Kune Do)

Howard, Harold


Kalman, Jr., Geza


Maturi, Francesco


Pardoel, Remco


Parker, Ryan

(Okinawan Karate)

Parungao, Onassis

(Tung Kung Kalan)

Ruas, Marco

(Ruas Vale Tudo)

Sutton, Joel

(Preying Mantis Kung Fu)

Varelans, Paul


Event Location

Buffalo, NY


Alternate Matches:

Sutton vs. Kalman, Jr. - Sutton wins by referee stoppage (headbutts)

Parungao vs. Maturi - Parungao wins by tapout (strikes)

Bessac vs. Hood - Bessac wins by tapout (guillotine choke)

Quarter Finals:

Varelans vs. Harris - Varelans wins by tapout (elbows)

Hall vs. Howard - Hall wins by referee stoppage (strikes)

Pardoel vs. Parker - Pardoel wins by tapout (choke)

Ruas vs. Cureton - Ruas wins by tapout (leglock)

Semi Finals:

Varelans vs. Hall - Varelans wins by tapout (armlock)

Ruas vs. Pardoel - Ruas wins by tapout (mount position)


Ruas vs. Varelans - Ruas wins by referee stoppage in 13:17 (strikes)


Shamrock vs. Taktarov - Time Limit Draw after 33:00

Marco Ruas is the UFC VII Champion

Ken Shamrock remains the UFC Superfight Champion

Fighters In UFC 8

Event Date Feb. 16, 1996

Fighters In This UFC

Adkins, Sam


Berto, Dieusel


Bohlander, Jerry


Ferrozzo, Scott


Frye, Don


Goodridge, Gary

(Kuk Sool Won)

Harris, Gerry

(Kyokushin-kai Karate)

Herrera, Paul


Leopaldo, Kimo

(Tae Kwon Do)

Mielke, Keith


Moreira, Joe

(Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu)

Ramirez, Thomas

(Pakua Chan)

Shamrock, Ken


Varelans, Paul


Event Location

Bayamon, Puerto Rico


Alternate Matches:

Harris vs. Berto - Harris wins by forfeit (Berto not cleared to fight)

Adkins vs. Mielke - Adkins wins by tapout (punches)

Frye vs. Ramirez - Frye wins by knockout (punches)

Varelans vs. Moreira - Varelans wins by unanimous decision

Bohlander vs. Ferrozzo - Bohlander wins by tapout (choke)

Goodridge vs. Herrera - Goodridge wins by knockout (elbows)

Frye vs. Adkins - Frye wins by referee stoppage (strikes)

Goodridge vs. Bohlander - Goodridge wins by referee stoppage (strikes)

Frye vs. Goodridge - Frye wins by tapout in 2:45 (strikes)


Shamrock vs. Leopoldo - Shamrock wins by tapout in 4:25 (kneebar)

Don Frye is the UFC VIII Champion

Ken Shamrock is the UFC Superfight Champion

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