
主题:【讨论】Tg外交决策的特点:利益优先,实事求是 -- wqnsihs

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家园 不能神话太祖


家园 一边高喊雅蔑蝶,一边把腿张得很开


家园 friend, you are so nice

I am sure you must be a very decent gentlemen.

BTW, I can never document academically solid evidence to convince you-- it does not exist. If it exists, anybody who knows it will be eliminated.

JFK has detected systematic misleading behavior among his subordinates. Before he could take any action to lower military action in Vietnam, he was "replaced" by Johnson.

It is commonly known secret that military-intelligence complex assassinated JFK.

Johnson listened to the so-called "wise men" and escalated Vietnam war. He even faked the attack by the North Vietnam in order to win authorization from the Congress--that's widely known fact by now. And it was documented by History Channel.

When the Vietnam war spilled into a war without end, the same group of "wise men" told the president Johnson that the Vietnam War could not be won from the beginning--again, watch the history channel on LBJ.

LBJ was tricked by those so-called "wise men".

Do you really think the military establishment are 人畜无害 小白兔? The same thing existed among Chinese PLA, Russian military-intelligence complex...

家园 记得江总曾经在一次记者招待会上讲中俄关系时提到


家园 Nice talk

I am also a history fan and I noticed these facts.I can't agree more with your opinion,which is a group of wise men( in this case, they are military-intelligence)intentionally lead the leader and people they are supposed to serve to a wrong way for their own interest.This kind of things repeated in history in different time,culture and country.

My original post only meant I don't think the "wise men" are that literally wise, they made mistakes some time.To the issue happened in 1991,I tend to believe that the Chinese Communist Party members of the intelligence prefered the rebellion rather than Russian President叶利钦.This bias made them wrong.People are rarely aware of the bias in their deep mind.

But what you mean can also explain it well:military forces were in hard time and that enemy-state was their chance to survive.

Nice talk to you!

家园 ...


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家园 神当然要上神坛



家园 没记错的话,越南当时是致电紧急状态委员会表示支持的


家园 太祖早晚要重上神坛
家园 迁到阿特兰蒂斯算啦
家园 确实


家园 那么说80年代买了东京房子的房奴们再也没有机会解套啦


家园 又见葡萄帖,太高兴了!!
家园 这就是说,关东地区基本完蛋?



家园 上海现在处于危楼状态,不敢来了。
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