
主题:carmina burana -- 悲欢

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家园 carmina burana




Late Latin poetry of the “wandering scholars,” or Goliards. The Goliards included university students who went from one European university to another, scholars who had completed their studies but were unable to buy benefices (ecclesiastical offices), unfrocked priests, runaway monks, and clerks. They begged and sang their way from place to place. Their existence is seen as a reaction against the medieval ascetic ideal and as evidence of the decline in popularity of the increasingly rigorous church. First appearing in large numbers in the 11th cent., the vagi or vagantes multiplied into a horde of unruly vagabonds. It was formerly believed that in the 13th cent. they joined to form a burlesque religious order, but it is now thought that the ordo vagorum, with its legendary archpoet Bishop Golias (Goliath) as grand master, was a literary fiction. The name Goliards may have derived from this same Golias. Although the church began (c.1230) to take measures against the Goliards, later church edicts against them testify to their continued, though dwindled, existence. The scandal associated with the Goliards should not obscure the merits of their verse. Their songs, in lilting bastard Latin verse with stressed rhymes, mimic the form of medieval hymns. They include lusty paeans to love and wine and the vagabond life as well as skillful attacks on the immorality of church life and churchmen. Although most of the songs are anonymous or bear pseudonyms, some of the best are attributed to Archipoeta, or the Archpoet (fl. 1161?C65), and others to Primus, who was Hugo d’Orléans (fl. early 12th cent.). Many were formerly wrongly attributed to Walter Map. The songs are often called carmina burana, after the title of the collection found in the abbey of Benediktbeuern and edited by J. A. Schmeller (4th ed. 1907). Widely collected and edited, the songs appear in English translation in The Cambridge Songs (ed. by Karl Breul, 1915), J. A. Symonds, Wine, Women, and Song (1884), H. J. Waddell, Mediaeval Latin Lyrics (rev. ed. 1933), and G. F. Whicher, The Goliard Poets (1949). Carl Orff set many of them to music simply and impressively in a secular cantata entitled Carmina burana (1937).


家园 有部老恐怖片Omen用它作配乐。我在看这部片子之前,

听过这首曲子。当时只是觉得有一种说不出来的压抑和震撼。事实上这种类似Gregorian Chant 的合唱,不管是赞美主的或是赞美撒旦的,在现在听起来都像是对黑暗势力的赞美。因为那个时代黑暗,所以伟大的音乐作品也必然表现出这种黑暗。比如Enigma 的Sadness,我打赌,这首曲子迟早要被某个大导演选中作配乐。而且很可能是用来描写一些神秘宗教或变态场面,比如Stanley Kubrick的Eyes Wide Shut中的群交场面就很合适。

真正让我记住carmina burana还是因为看Omen.我是去New Foundland旅游,住在一个很简陋的cottage里。Cottage位于大山之中,周围十几里都荒芜人烟。老板有很多旧的录像带,我选了这盘。晚上一个人看,当看到Gegory Peck到墓地去发现了真相:他亲生儿子已被调包,而他现在孩子的母亲就埋葬在旁边,但是是一只“兽”。他现在的孩子是撒旦转世!


家园 我试着翻译了一下


Carmina burana这个词来源于拉丁语诗歌中的,流浪的学者,或者叫Goliards。Goliards是一些有知识的流浪汉,他们中间有流浪于欧洲各个大学之间的大学生,已经毕业但是却没有找到神职的学者,被开除的神甫,逃跑中的修道士,职员。这些人一边乞讨一边吟唱,流浪在欧洲的各个国家之间。他们的存在被人们看作是一种对中世纪教会禁欲主义的反抗,并且是当时严酷的教会势力由鼎盛走向衰落的一个标记。

这些人最早大批出现于公元11世纪,他们从单独的逃离逐渐汇聚成了整批离经叛道的流浪汉。有人相信在13世纪的时候他们已经形成了一种反教会的新秩序,但是现在的人们认为这个说法是认为虚构的。教会从1230年开始采取措施处理这些人,并且颁布赦令,在那以后他们的数量虽然开始减少但依然存在。Goliards 在其他方面的一些问题不能模糊他们的诗歌的价值。他们的诗,承袭了拉丁语诗歌的风格,具有强烈的节奏感。其主题包括对于爱强烈的歌颂,对于流浪生活的描写还有对教会以及神职人员巧妙的抨击。虽然这些作品大多数都是以匿名形式或者假名字流传的。但是其中很多优秀的作品还是被收录在Archipoeta, or the Archpoet (fl. 1161?C65), Primus, Hugo d’Orléans (fl. early 12th cent.),Walter Map

这样的书里面。1907年的时候人们在Benediktbeuern 这个地方的教堂里发现了一个这样的诗集,名字叫作carmina burana从此人们把这类诗歌称作carmina burana。

1937年,德国作曲家Carl Orff 选用了许多这样的诗歌改编成了现代清唱剧,统一用名Carmina burana。

家园 诗歌和音乐应该分开来看。



家园 另外一部电影Glory也用了它配乐,就是歌颂英雄的。
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